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  1. DanPoch

    Yeast Washing Illustrated

    Brave without a starter. I'd have recommended a starter to build up the cell count (a lot have probably died while in the fridge) and then check the aroma of the yeast at that point. Your nose is a pretty good indicator of what flavors and\or aromas the yeasties will produce. Best of luck to...
  2. DanPoch

    HomebrewSupply Recipe Giveaway

    Hellaweizen - Hefeweizen - All-Grain Recipe Kit would be fantastic.
  3. DanPoch

    Show us your Kegerator

    Well, yeah! I have an old style fridge that my father-in-law gave me a year ago that I would like to do this with. I'm just to chicken to start the project :) Well, that and the chest freezer right next to it is also in need of a collar. Too much to do these days.
  4. DanPoch

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2015?

    19593 + 10 = 19603 Keep Ryedyn On malt ale
  5. DanPoch

    Show us your Kegerator

    I like what you've done with the internal regulator. I'll have to steal that idea when/if I get around to upgrading my chest freezer. Since I had to replace the original one haven't had time to build a collar for the new one.
  6. DanPoch

    How to make a yeast starter - Pictorial

    It's mostly the flat bottom for the stir plate. With most houses having an electric stove, or 'cook-top' stove, you can't boil in the flask anyway. They are not supposed to be used directly on an electric heating element. I got mine for the flat bottom and also because if it's at room...
  7. DanPoch

    Mr. Beer to Mr. Ribbon

    Nicely put. I started brewing before Mr. Beer was a thing and a friend of mine is getting into brewing in his apartment with Mr. Beer kits and makes some awesome beer! I always liken brewing beer to making chicken soup. There are many ways to make chicken soup from opening a can and heating it...
  8. DanPoch

    Yeast Washing Illustrated

    To decant the water simply means to pour the water off and leave the yeast slurry behind. This should be done because even though the water was boiled and is 'clean' when you harvested the yeast you want to minimize the amount of unprepared liquid in your beer. Also when doing this method, it...
  9. DanPoch

    Show us your Kegerator

    I imagine that the veneer helps with that. I'm thinking about going this same route with mine although I'm going to attach the collar to the freezer and use the extending veneer to help hold the lid in place. I don't want to add anymore height to the lift needed to put the full kegs in there.
  10. DanPoch

    new RIMS build questions

    Great! Thank you for the quick reply. Once I get this all laid out and dry fit I'm planning on having an electrician friend of mine make sure I get all the wiring correct :)
  11. DanPoch

    new RIMS build questions

    Hi guys, Being the dead of winter here in NewEngland it's too damn cold to brew in my garage, so I'm spending money of upgrades instead of ingredients. With the amount of spare time I have I'm sure it will take a year to put this together (especially since I'm making a fermentation chamber at...
  12. DanPoch

    Craft The Perfect Draft Pump Up Your Brewday

    Nice write-up and perfect timing for me. I was literally opening my web-browser to purchase a Chugger pump when I saw this in my inbox. Glad I read this first. I'll still get the pump, but now I am even better prepared for keeping it running smoothly. Thanks. And thanks for the tip on the quick...
  13. DanPoch

    Multi Layer Label with

    Nice write up of how to use Paint.Net. I too have been using this program for a few years. I tend to print my labels on standard paper and use a drop of Elmer's glue on the four corners plus a drop along the top and bottom center to stick them on. Removal is easy that way so you can reuse the...
  14. DanPoch

    Show us your Kegerator

    Congratulations! And nice kegerator.
  15. DanPoch

    Fermentation Temp Adjustments

    I wouldn't worry too much about a couple days at a higher temp. I've had that happen with some of my ales in the summer months (when I've been neglectful about checking in on it each day). While this may not apply all the time, but it's been my experience when that happens that using a secondary...
  16. DanPoch

    Just Bottled my first batch of IPA...

    Welcome to the wonderful world of homebrewing! Keep us posted on how your virgin batch turns out.
  17. DanPoch

    How to Best Utilize HomeBrewTalk

    Nicely written and thought out as I would expect of a 'Dan'. Especially one who works with CAD software. Having HBT around has been a gateway for me to both receive from and give to the Homebrewing community.
  18. DanPoch

    Make Beer, Not Starters

    Intriguing. I like the idea. With fine filtration into the primary one could avoid much of the trub and help with aeration of the wort as well.