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  1. Irishwrench


    After a long compromise, and many debates, my wife and I have added this little pup to the family. I was holding out for an English Mastiff after losing our girl 6 years ago. This is Daisey. She is a 9-week old Boerboel, a South African Mastiff. We picked her up in Buffalo last weekend.
  2. Irishwrench

    December 2013 New England Grain Buy

    Johnston here. Will probably be meeting my buddy in Norton minutes from pick-up point, so car pool not ideal option. :mug: for another Rhode Islander
  3. Irishwrench

    GOOD on Netflix STREAMING?

    Watched Dredd last night. Better than Stallone's attempt, but would like that 2hrs of my life back. Two Cornie kegs make a guest cameo in the drug lab scene Sent from my LGMS769 using Home Brew mobile app
  4. Irishwrench

    Pasteurizing a whole corny keg?

    Wondering if you ever submitted the keg to a pasteurization process and how it worked out?
  5. Irishwrench


    Really miss my Mastiff. Beautiful dog. The Mrs. and I just had a big battle over my request for another. Not giving up.
  6. Irishwrench

    Massachusetts racetrack style kegs

    Thanks for the reply. Bought some local.
  7. Irishwrench

    Massachusetts racetrack style kegs

    How many of these are still for sale?
  8. Irishwrench

    April 2013 New England Group Buy

    I probably have the worst schedule here. Work M-F noon to 8:30 in Norwood. Mr. Mom from 7-11 daily in Providence. Guess all this is going to depends on Shawn's schedule and when the truck actually shows up. I'll stand back, see what you guys decide, and try to accommodate your schedule...
  9. Irishwrench

    April 2013 New England Group Buy

    Funny how that works. I have my sons 6th and 4th birthday celebration on the 18th, not to mention t ball picture day in the am. Might have to send someone in my place if this Saturday is a bust. SEND CHECKS!
  10. Irishwrench

    Using Honey Malt

    Sorry for delayed reply. I steep the honey and caramel malts in a quart or so of water. :rockin:
  11. Irishwrench

    April 2013 New England Group Buy

    Don't forget how much work goes into these buys. There are numerous thank yous in posts here. If you scroll to the bottom cell in spreadsheet there is a column to add donations to the originator's of the purchase. Everyone throws in a couple bucks it would be a nice gesture, and a true...
  12. Irishwrench

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    Just bought some cobalt 375ml hock bottles for bottling my rice wine cause that are indeed sexy. Harvest next weekend. Was considering the pomegranate. Did you think it was a good compliment? Had some coconut custard pie last night. How about a lil touch of coco lopes added to straining bag...
  13. Irishwrench

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    Question about the Bacteria spores on the top of rice. I was wondering if it is advised to scoop them and discard before harvesting?
  14. Irishwrench

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    Added the yams into rice cooker after shredding them on cheese grater. My rice cooker only does 3 cups at a time. Did one cup potato and 2 cups rice.
  15. Irishwrench

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    Just started two batches. One is just yeast balls and Thai glutinous rice. The other is sweet rice, yeast balls, and shredded sweet potato.
  16. Irishwrench

    Irish Red Ale Irish Red (1st place HBT comp)

    Not sure what I did incorrect, but just changed this from and Irish Red to a Brown Ale. Should still be tasty.
  17. Irishwrench

    Festbier World's Best Oktoberfest

    Enjoying the last 12 pack of this particular beer. It came out a lil over carbbed, but I just crack the cap and let it sit for 15 minutes and it is perfect. So far this is my favorite that I have created. Thanks for sharing. Planning on another creating batch in 2 weeks.
  18. Irishwrench

    Caption this photo!

    "And there I was, alone, seperated from my crew." "There was a posse of cats closing in from the East." "I stayed low and moved to the West." "I crawled away from the tabbies undetected to clearing only to spot a camp of angry Skunks ready to move out." "There I was trapped, could it get any...