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  1. DiscoFetus


    I tossed that idea around. We ended up cooking down a pound of cranberries in about a quart of water and this cranberry concentrate I got from my store. About 8oz of it. Boiled it in the wort for about 10 mins and went into primary. Will strain out the berries into secondary. Thanks for all the...
  2. DiscoFetus


    Nice, I had been thinking about that method, but the pectin would be the biggest issue. I had forgotten about the pectic enzyme. I'm gonna look for it at the store, and also pick up some cranberry concentrate from my store. We'll decide what to do with it from there I guess. That recipe...
  3. DiscoFetus


    Ok, so not too long ago we made a Blueberry Wheat. Turned out not too shabby, nice little blue highlight and the flavor was very wheat, berry the biscuit and honey which was pretty cool. Problem was the berry was one of those things you could tell it was there, but it wasn't identifiable. We...
  4. DiscoFetus

    Wort is up with my wort? (pumpkin ale)

    The first thought was maple syrup, but due to cost restraints we decided to switch it up. I think the molasses flavor will come out with more aging, but it did add a nice color to the whole thing. We lost a good bit racking into secondary as well. We filtered it a few times to pull out the...
  5. DiscoFetus

    Wort is up with my wort? (pumpkin ale)

    That's how we did it. Canned pumpkin for the whole boil and 24 oz of molasses at the last 10 mins of the boil. Took about a week too. What yeast did you use? We hit it up with a German Ale/Kolsch yeast since the style is an old German style.
  6. DiscoFetus

    Wort is up with my wort? (pumpkin ale)

    We tasted ours the other day...filtered it like crazy going into secondary, which is where it sits, sleeping... The nutmeg was a little overpowering, but I think it will die out a little. The pumpkin also comes out. I'm excited to compare! I will post pics after its in a glass ready to be...
  7. DiscoFetus

    Wort is up with my wort? (pumpkin ale)

    Thanks for this post! We just put together our first pumpkin ale and are not sure what to expect. We boiled the pumpkin for the entire length of the boil with no burning. We rack this baby into secondary this Wed. Thanks! :rockin:
  8. DiscoFetus

    Euro Beer travels

    I think I remember seeing that one. There were quite a few of those in brussels too.
  9. DiscoFetus

    Euro Beer travels

    Ok cool, here is the final of all the pics. Its a photobucket account. Check out the left sidebar and click on the albums. Somehow Belgium got put into a subcategory of Amsterdam...go figure. :ban:
  10. DiscoFetus

    Euro Beer travels

    I really wanted to visit these places too. Sadly, time didn't permit that. Here's the first set of pics from Copenhagen! Let me know if it doesn't work.:mug:
  11. DiscoFetus

    Witkap Pater Stimulo clone

    Nothing? lol
  12. DiscoFetus

    Euro Beer travels

    The trip was awesome. Had some amazing beers. I lost a day in Brussels due to food poisoning and ended up missing out on some good stuff, but Amsterdam had some amazing breweries and pubs. Thanks for all the suggestions. Cafe Gollem rocked! We hit up some amazing microbrews in Copenhagen...
  13. DiscoFetus

    Witkap Pater Stimulo clone

    OK, while In Belgium I tried this beer...SWMBO loved it and I would like to make a clone. I'm still in the process of trying to find a recipe online somewhere but its coming up with no luck. Its an abbey ale and incredible tasting coming in at 6%. Any help would be awesome.:mug:
  14. DiscoFetus

    Euro Beer travels

    Alright kids, I'm off for my tour. Super stoked and have a lot of places that I intend on seeing...drinking...:tank: Thanks for all the suggestions, I have them on my list! :rockin:
  15. DiscoFetus

    bean or extract?

    You can, or you can keep them in sugar and pat them down with a damp cloth before use in wort. But it will keep the vanilla bean in good condition for a while and also add a nice vanilla flavor to your sugar which you can use for really anything.
  16. DiscoFetus

    bean or extract?

    I think there is a "Good Eats" episode where AB teaches viewers how to make their own extracts and different applications on vanilla prep.
  17. DiscoFetus

    bean or extract?

    Go with the actual pod. Slice it open and scrape the seeds, then drop the whole thing in. Secondary would probably be ideal, but then again I've never used it in beer before. I've done the extract before and it just adds almost too floral of notes, but ages really well. I would assume more...
  18. DiscoFetus

    Euro Beer travels

    Sweet. All added to the list. There will be full reports. :mug:
  19. DiscoFetus

    Harrisburg Brewers Fest 6/21, who's goin'?

    While in the process of buying tickets, about to press the submit button, I got called into work that day...bastards. Well, its more money to spend on grains and hops later. Let us know how it goes.
  20. DiscoFetus

    Euro Beer travels

    Nice, I'll check out the places mentioned outside of Brussels. I'm hoping they have public trans out that way. In de wildeman looks badass. Thanks!