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  1. Livendadream

    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    Oh yeah I too had some citrus notes and a bready malt character. I think you nailed it![emoji482]
  2. Livendadream

    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    Of course everyone's taste perception is different. What I was going for is more balance between all flavors. So my beer had the banana, clove and hints of bubblegum flavors. But they were very mellow, enough so that the wheat spiciness punched through. I also used the acid malt so I'm not sure...
  3. Livendadream

    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    Ok here is what i said in an earlier post , this batch was amazing !!! Finally! 5 attempts and it's perfect! The first was an extract version, my wife's favorite. Next 2 partial mash attempts. Lastly 2 all grain versions, with this last one bordering on phenomenal! I followed eds recipe exactly...
  4. Livendadream

    American Brown Ale Brown Out American Brown Ale (Tulsa Fair 2nd place Winner!!)

    Sounds great! I'm thinking of brewing this on Black Friday. I will let you know. Thanks again for the info. Prost ! Jeff
  5. Livendadream

    American Brown Ale Brown Out American Brown Ale (Tulsa Fair 2nd place Winner!!)

    Hi, I know this thread is a little dusty, but I saw this recipe and it looks fantastic! I was wondering if you could post some tasting notes? Also is there any commercial product out there you could compare this with? I love the Browns, I might give this one a shot. Nice job on the 2nd place @...
  6. Livendadream

    American Porter Bee Cave Brewery Robust Porter

    How many gallons in the fermenter? You sound pretty close I think I hit 1.065 with 5.75 gal.
  7. Livendadream

    American Porter Bee Cave Brewery Robust Porter

    Well I'll jump in! I shoot for 5.5gal in fermenter. I have a high boil off rate, maybe cuz I live @ 6850 ft above sea level. The weather probably is effecting it as well (10% humidity). So I shoot for 7gal in boil kettle. My mash for this recipe was 8.5gal total, its usually a little thin. I...
  8. Livendadream

    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    Well your starter question is a matter of debate. I have made a starter in about 95% of my brews. In my 4 previous weizen brews I made a starter and always had violent fermentation requiring a blow off. This last time I pitched the vial straight in. No starter as I wanted to under pitch and...
  9. Livendadream

    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    That is a good idea. I think I will try it.
  10. Livendadream

    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    Finally! 5 attempts and it's perfect! The first was an extract version, my wife's favorite. Next 2 partial mash attempts. Lastly 2 all grain versions, with this last one bordering on phenomenal! I followed eds recipe exactly except I added 2 oz of acid malt. My well h2o is extremely alkaline, so...
  11. Livendadream

    What I did for beer today

    Bottled a Hefeweizen, I need to start kegging!
  12. Livendadream

    Bottle bomb mystery

    You won't believe this but it happened to me as well. It was also a kolsch. The bottom of the bottle literally fell off. No Glass shards or splinters anywhere. Like your mystery no sign of beer anywhere. This happened about 5 years ago. I thought maybe it was a defective bottle because the...
  13. Livendadream

    American Porter Bee Cave Brewery Robust Porter

    Sorry pulled trigger to fast. Why not brew another mild porter and blend to taste? Blending beer is actually pretty fun. You can experiment as well with blending other styles with the porter.
  14. Livendadream

    American Porter Bee Cave Brewery Robust Porter

    I would not dilute with water. Mine seemed to have an alcohol bite but it vanished after a month in the bottle. Why nit brew another
  15. Livendadream

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2015?

    Can't add......?? 6735
  16. Livendadream

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2015?

    + 4 gal applekush hard cider = 6530
  17. Livendadream

    Applekush Original Recipe

    Maybe I'll give notty a shot. Thanks