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  1. Polboy

    Saison How Rye I Am (Rye Saison) - 2011 - 1st Place Best of Show - HBT Comp

    heh, im ready to put my rye saison in the kegerator so i was looking for a label to put over the tap and google search redirected me to this thread after locating cool label, i can not find the author of the label so here it is. My house saison has 9% of rye but this recipe is punching 20% so im...
  2. Polboy

    Belgian Dubbel Belgian dubbel, 1st place DMC comp, 42/50 points

    heh, just brew 11 gal of this last night, i did some modification to the original recipe last year and i wasnt crazy about results so this time is back to original recipe, making inverted sugar tomorrow :). Dbals, thanks for the link, this is what i was looking for :)
  3. Polboy

    Question about amount of sediment.

    you would have to describe your process but from what i deduct from your post you got all grain kit and used it without mashing/lautering? that would explain the sediments
  4. Polboy

    10G batch people. Describe your setup.

    13.2 gal hlt, rectangular 48-52qt(not sure on size) cooler and 15gal kegel+two NG wok burners, one pump and CFC+lots of carboys from 6.5gal to 5
  5. Polboy

    Oak Spirals in a keg.

    As davefleck said they are very strong, i think i put 1/3 or 1/4 of the spiral in to 5gal batch and i liked the subtle flavor after months of aging in RIS, i did the same for belgian dubbel and it was a little too much so i recommend putting too little than too much and taste after one week then...
  6. Polboy

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale The Pious - Westvleteren 12 style quad - multiple

    I wouldn't, im big fan of 3711 strain but i find high gravity beers fermented with it lacking complexity and being alcohol forward
  7. Polboy

    Does anyone stir plate a primary?

    I dont see how can you introduce more O2 by stirring wort/beer in close (airlock) carboy. There is O2 at the beginning of fermentation (dissolved in wort and in the headspace) but rather quickly this O2 is used by yeast in aerobic phase, and co2 is produced. With constant CO2 production there is...
  8. Polboy

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale The Pious - Westvleteren 12 style quad - multiple

    I completely agree on pitch rates in to 11gal of 1.095 OG wort but i wasnt able to build big enough starter so i decide to do sugar additions in primary after yeasts had 2 days to multiply as a compromise, it didnt work very well as we can see :o
  9. Polboy

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale The Pious - Westvleteren 12 style quad - multiple

    I read 2/3 of this thread and lots of info from your website before i brew this beer, a lot of good information i have to say. I was aiming for 550 billion cells starter for 11gal (2 step starter on stir plate, predicted by yeast calculator but not counted), i wasnt sure how to adjust pitch rate...
  10. Polboy

    Belgian Dark Strong Ale The Pious - Westvleteren 12 style quad - multiple

    I made traditional version, it was single infusion mash that stabilized at 151F and i used 4lb total of sugars for 11gal batch (in primary at 48h of fermentation), OG was 1.095 but after two weeks of very nice fermentation (with 3787 strain) it hit stable gravity at 1.019, im a little...
  11. Polboy

    Wyeast 3711 French Saison

    i did 2 split batches with 3711 and 3724, dont have my notes in front of me but from memory 3711 is maintenance free and delivers great results in short time, extremely dry and refreshing with great body and flavor profile. You can get very interesting beer with 3724 but it will take much longer...
  12. Polboy

    Well, Im done with glass carboys!

    Sorry man, thats a lot of high gravity wort to lost I like my glass, have 12 carboys. I started with buckets but now i use them for grain storage and ferment in glass carboys only. I tired haulers and milk crates but didnt like it and now i just hold my 6.5gal carboy very tight and take it on...
  13. Polboy

    Got free bottles to give away? Post 'em here!

    i have probably 100 extra bottles (mix of 12, 16 and 22oz), im on the south side of chicago by midway airport, if no one arrange pickup by next weekend they will end up in recycling bin
  14. Polboy

    Looking For Motivation To Start Again..

    You said you didnt like 90% of your brews, what about 10% that you like . Do you see the pattern there, what style do you like, process? I would focus on beers you made that u like and start from there. I made a lot of different beers over last 3 yers but now i brew more than 50% belgians...
  15. Polboy

    Equipment Purchase Advice

    +1 on STC-1000, its dual stage so it gives you best control over fermentation temp for great price. So i would make fermentation chamber for cheap (you can do it for around ~$100) and buy a keggle for another 100 :)
  16. Polboy

    Got free bottles to give away? Post 'em here!

    I have around 60 to give away. Mostly 12oz but few bombers as well. Im on the southside near midway so let me know if you are close and want to pick it up
  17. Polboy

    Cake pan + skateboard wheel + bike brakes = homemade peristaltic pump??

    It looks great, do you know flow rate and how high can you pump with it?
  18. Polboy

    Anther knucklehead with a CO2 leak

    I set me first kegging system few weeks ago and right from the begining seems to me that im loosing too much co2. I tried soapy water and starsan in the spray bottle and found nothing, only when i use baby bathtube full of water i found two small leaks
  19. Polboy

    Fermentation chamber water bath

    I build one over a year ago, here is a thread from work in progress (for summary look at post 17 and 18): Now i use heavy duty 27gal size tote and its perfect for 2x 6.5gal carboys. I can set any temp in 57-90 F range and...
  20. Polboy

    UGH! I'm an IDIOT!

    I would not recomend adding sugar base on grain bill but rather as a % of fermentables in wort. With high efficiency its not a big difference but in this case 20% if grain bill would be a lot of sugar