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  1. S

    Node-RED for Raspberry pi-based brewery control

    Thanks for posting this. I've been interested in moving my setup to Node-Red. Craftbeerpi has worked well enough, but there are some random funny things that happen and I've been hopeful that a new version will fix it for a while. I will take a look at your flow. I was looking at using...
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    Brew Bucket by SS Brewing Technologies

    I stopped using the dip tube after two batches. It's easier for me to just tilt slightly at the end of the transfer and to not have to worry about a siphon or dip tube angle.
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    Whirlpool Port Position on eBIAB

    Here's a video of the whirlpool.
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    Whirlpool Port Position on eBIAB

    It works great. I have the elbow outlet pointed mostly to the side , but also slightly up to get go mixing. My pickup tube is 5/8th so it gets going really well. It's also a big difference uses a IC with higher flow vs a plate chiller. I'll try to remember to take a photo tomorrow when I'm...
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    Whirlpool Port Position on eBIAB

    Here's my eBIAB setup. I put the whirlpool port to the right of my main pickup tube and just put an elbow on the inside. This let me keep everything at one level. This setup has worked well and it also provides a little more structure for my chiller to lean on instead of the element.
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    CraftBeerPi - Raspberry Pi Software

    I'm interested in 1.
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    Solid vs Mesh sided Biabasket

    I just brewed this last weekend with a 800 micron basket I got from aborfab. It worked great and I recirculated at a pretty good flow rate the whole time. I got about 70% efficiency. I've used a bag before, but hadn't try recirculating with one. Both work well, but I like the utility of...
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    What kettle to buy for BIAB

    I went with a 15gal Concord pot. Great quality for the price. It's my biab pot / HLT when I run my 3V system. The bottom isn't as thick as an Update International pot, but it's better than I expected. I use electric so it doesn't matter. I installed solder fittings from brewhardware. Those...
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    CraftBeerPi - Raspberry Pi Software

    The new board looks great. It should be very flexible for controlling everything. I'm currently using a Brewtroller controlling 4 outputs (2 elements and 2 pumps) with 4 temp sensors. I've been following Craftbeerpi development along as a possible upgrade path.
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    Going all grain

    I agree that in most cases the pH takes care of itself in a standard mash. You can always tweak it to make things better, but that's a marginal improvement. I would pay attentioned to pH and water more if you were doing BIAB. The higher amount of water can throw the pH off if you have higher...
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    Brewometer kickstarter thoughts - digital bluetooth hydrometer

    I probably would have bought two if there was a 2 pack discount. I asked if they were planning anything and they responded promptly that they didn't. I have no issues with that stance and think the per unit price is set in a pretty good place. I ordered one yesterday after seeing some of the...
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    The Best Wort Chiller

    I wish I knew that legs were an option. I just got a king cobra. Works great, but I'm currently balancing it on my pickup tube and element. I highly recommend these chillers though.
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    New temp/gravity probe: Brewometer

    I'm pretty interested in it, but it would be good to hear how it does during a couple fermentations and when you're getting blow off.
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    Keezer w/ tower on wheels? PITA or the solution

    I keep a piece of pvc pipe in the keezer to keep it ajar. It may be easier to have a lid that opens without being attached to the taps, but I don't think it's a big deal. The biggest pain for me is going from using a fridge as a kegerator to a freezer is having to lift the kegs into the...
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    Keezer w/ tower on wheels? PITA or the solution

    I have a 15 cuft freezer on 6 casters with a 10 tap tower on top. It's on tile and it's no issue to pull it out a few inches to open it up. I haven't noticed any sloshing or getting a cloudy pint after moving it. [edit] Here's a picture of how my top looks and a link to the casters I used...
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    Quick fermentation question.

    It typically is clearer. If you tasted it going into secondary and it tasted good then I wouldn't worry about it. Did you take any gravity measurements? If it's finished and there isn't any diacetyl then you can add something like gelatin or biofine. I had a rye ale that was pretty murky...
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    Flow rate using HERMs

    I use full flow unless there is noticeable pressure drop across the false bottom. I use a Blichmann mash tun and on most batches it handles the mash without any issues. Sometimes with a lot of rye or wheat I need to back off some. I'm still able to maintain temps though. I due recirc water in...
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    New brewer as well from Houston, Texas

    Welcome to the forum. The forum is great for reading up on brewing. Defalcos is great for information as was mention. There are are also plenty of homebrew clubs in the area as well. The most important question is what will your first beer be?
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    Automated/closed system HERMS layout

    BayerischBier, there is a pdf showing the config for various steps if you go to the BrewPi GitHub site. I was planning on having more 3way valves myself, but I stuck with 2 way valves except for one instance to keep the most flexibility. All of mine are on switches though. I need to to build a...
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    Automated/closed system HERMS layout

    The diagram looks good. On first glance, it does look like you have more valves than you need, but if you have them it doesn't hurt. An example is valve 5 and 11... both could stop flow on that leg. 3-8 may be able to be reduced too. Here's how mine is setup. I have a few more manual...