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  1. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    25,400 to be exact...
  2. dunnright00

    PLEASE let the Northern Brewer buy-out be a hoax!

    Well, Constellation bought Ballast Point (HomeBrew Mart), so maybe AB/InBev is just following the trend?
  3. dunnright00

    Store-bought Cold-Brew Coffee

    All excellent advice and suggestions, thanks! Yeah, I had a feeling that the sealed bottle should be fine, just double-checking. I plan on using just straight coffee, no sweeteners or cream added. I will check the ingredients, but I'm pretty sure it will be: Water, Coffee. My original plan...
  4. dunnright00

    Store-bought Cold-Brew Coffee

    I'm making a coffee stout, and I've decided that I want to use cold brewed coffee. I've seen different techniques for cold-brewing, and the proper steps for sanitation, but one option that I haven't seen here is store-bought cold brewed coffee. Probably going to get a bottle from a local...
  5. dunnright00

    Sanitize Cold-Brewed Coffee?

    Sorry to bring up an old thread, but I've searched and this one seems to have the most info for what I'm looking for. I've decided that I want to use cold brewed coffee, but one option that I haven't seen here is store-bought cold brewed coffee. I'll buy a 10.5oz bottle of Stumptown cold...
  6. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    Never thought there could have been a bigger Mass-hole than Cape... Congrats! :mug:
  7. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    Relevant now since the decision will be made in the next two days, but I understand most other fans not giving a crap about this. That's why I asked, imagine if this was your team...?
  8. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    Man, as a Chargers fan I just feel sick right now. I know I'm totally leaving myself open to you jokers, but bear with me for a moment and put yourself in my shoes (Or the shoes of any other fan of SD/Stl/OAK). I realize the decision hasn't been made yet, but more and more the reports are...
  9. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    Davis likes his tight pants Likes to sing about them too...
  10. dunnright00

    Specialty IPA: Black IPA None More Black IPA (Cascadian Dark Ale)

    Gonna make a variation of this on Sunday...
  11. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread
  12. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    The San Diego Chargers have won 0. Aaron Rodgers has won 0 also, but the Green Bay Packers have won one with him on the team...
  13. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    Say what you want about San Diego sports teams, but I'd take Rivers over any other player in the NFL. The haters just hate because he's so awesome and they wished he played for their team. Now Green Bay? So many activities, why WOULDN'T I want to move there?!?
  14. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    It's not San Diego...? :rockin: :D:cross:
  15. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

    I think it means "Moving to Wisconsin" and if that's the case then... No thanks! :mug:
  16. dunnright00

    Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

  17. dunnright00

    5 gal batch, 6.5 gal carboy, no need for a blow off tube, right?

    Yeah, I should probably get some of that. Never really had a problem with this before. I only used blow-off tubes if it was in a 5gal carboy. Heh, well it was full of Ballast point at one time, but now it's full (mostly) of a previous batch of homebrew... You can still come help clean up...
  18. dunnright00

    5 gal batch, 6.5 gal carboy, no need for a blow off tube, right?

    Not with WLP007 apparently... Pitched a nice healthy yeast starter into my Imperial Stout yesterday about 1pm. Kept checking throughout the evening and no real signs of fermentation starting, but I knew it was cool. Woke up this morning and saw two small puddles of dark brown liquid...
  19. dunnright00

    Post NHC blues...

    I'm having the "I'm in San Diego but I was too busy to go" blues. It's been going on for almost a week now...