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  1. jdudek

    For Sale 15 gallon boil coil, with 12 foot cable

    Came with a use pot I purchased, but i only wanted the pot not the coil. $100. will give it a good PBW clean. Portland area. probably not worth the shipping cost.
  2. jdudek

    Boil kettle condenser - no overhead ventilation needed

    this is what it cost me, about a year ago.
  3. jdudek

    Auber RTD probes off by 15-20 degrees F

    Got an answer from Auber. Posting here for reference. I have not gotten to fix/test yet. Will update once I do. /// Thanks for contacting us. The controller reads the resistance from the RTD sensor and converts the resistance reading to temperature reading. The reading error could come from...
  4. jdudek

    Auber RTD probes off by 15-20 degrees F

    I have a couple of RTD probes from Auber. One is perhaps 3 years old, other relatively new (a few months). They both agree with each other but are off by up to 20 degrees from where they should be. Sometimes. Sometimes they are dead on. and then they just jump around. During the last boil...
  5. jdudek

    can i switch my nitro stout to co2 dispensing?

    Thanks, I will go ahead and put it on just a few PSI. Wont go back to nitro for this keg...
  6. jdudek

    can i switch my nitro stout to co2 dispensing?

    I have a stout that's been sitting on beer gas for about 2 months now. Unfortunately the beer gas ran out and the brew store is out as well. Any thoughts about switching it to a CO2 tank for dispensing at this point?
  7. jdudek

    30A switch vs contactor

    Thanks makes sense. Contactor it is then.
  8. jdudek

    30A switch vs contactor

    What is the reason it’s not good practice, just for my education?
  9. jdudek

    30A switch vs contactor

    Apologies that was a brain fart. I meant low current switch, not voltage as you pointed out. the link I sent is for a parallel switch extender. I am using one of those at the moment to support 20A. I can add a third one to support 30A. So the auber switch will support 30A via 3 parallel 10A...
  10. jdudek

    30A switch vs contactor

    Hi All, My understanding is that when building a power on switch for a large heating element (30A), a low voltage switch is used along with a 30A contactor. I was wondering if there are any drawbacks to using these:
  11. jdudek

    Fermentation stopped after going well - thinking about pitching more yeast.

    How confident are you in your mash temp? could your 163 have been 165 or 166 or more at times? It does seem like a pretty high temperature for mashing. Literature (Palmer) seems to suggest 158 as the top end of the range. if you have another tilt, seems like it would be worth throwing it in...
  12. jdudek

    Fermentation stopped after going well - thinking about pitching more yeast.

    do you have any calibration data entered into your tilt app? i once had a bad cal entry i put in by mistake, something like 1.05 = 0.00, which made the gravity reading not change at all during fermentation. Probably not what's going on, but worth a double check.
  13. jdudek

    What's been your fastest fermentation time?

    with no kveik yeast, its typically 3-4 days for me. I've had some done in 2 days, but that's not typical. i usually give it 3 more days after fermentation stops then keg. I will keg condition for 4 weeks minimum.
  14. jdudek

    Fermentation stopped after going well - thinking about pitching more yeast.

    Yeah but at 1.061? Down from 1.079 if the pitch was good this is when it should be bubbling mad. At least in my experience. I’m on the side of “something isn’t right here”
  15. jdudek

    Fermentation stopped after going well - thinking about pitching more yeast.

    Do you see activity in the airlock or blow off hose? Bubbles? Or is it just completely dead? I agree with the other tilt comments. They get stuck. Once I punched in an incorrect calibration gravity and the gravity readings did not move at all while it was clearly bubbling away. If it’s dead...
  16. jdudek

    Very noisy old kegerator, what is this noise??

    I have an old kegerator I bought for a song on craigslist. I've not had it very long, but it's been rather noisy. It was also cooling very poorly, so I recharged it with coolant via a piercing valve today. The cooling performance is now excellent again, however the noise seems to have gotten...
  17. jdudek

    OG issues driving me crazy

    as others have mentioned, I would definitely use kettle and not fermentor as the target. the quantity of beer left behind in your kettle does not change anything in terms of the beer itself (only the amount). Brewhouse efficiency is annoying in my opinion and confuses things. Mash efficiency...
  18. jdudek

    OG issues driving me crazy

    with the grain bill you have and the amount of water used, you're getting a conversion efficiency between 90% and 95% if the pre-boil gravity reading was between 1.042 and 1.044. Looks like total water was about 3.75 gallons? therefore I'd say your crush is fine. You can do better (close to...
  19. jdudek

    Recommendations for some sort of whirlpool/temp control for my setup

    have a look at Bobby's rig. It's roughly what I did with mine. recirculating + whirlpool with a 3way valve to split the flow. Hold temp very well. Also on recirculating with a basket, I would do some research. Unlike the bag, the basket does not seal the grain against the sides of the...
  20. jdudek

    Incredibly Frustrated With Poor Efficiency

    thanks, that's what I meant. my comment about wort volume was ambiguous.