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  1. D

    Making multiple yeast starters from a vial or smack pack?

    If you brew often enough, divide the "extra" starter into multiple small jars. That reduces your generation count. Treat the small jars as vials when making more starters. When you get to the last one, repeat the process.
  2. D

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    I would guess you can't find them because it's harvest season for hop's cousin. :fro:
  3. D

    Looking to make. Fruit ale...

    Don't add it too soon if you like your ceiling. Best (worst?) blow off I've ever had, bar none, was a cherry ale. A lot of people that don't recommend secondary will suggest that adding fruit IS a good time to use a secondary.
  4. D

    Another fruit fly question(a bit different)

    Fruit flies are attracted to CO2. Why again shouldn't people use vodka in an airlock? The vodka should have killed and acetobacter on the fruit flies. If not, make some fish and chips
  5. D

    Sludge in Fermentor

    Papazian said B complex. Brewer yeast doesn't contain b12.
  6. D

    Sludge in Fermentor

    Man up and drink it. There is beer and vitamins in it. Or just rinse it down the drain
  7. D

    IPA recipe help

    So you don't want to do an IIPA but instead an IPA? Edwort's haus IPA will work with the hops you have on hand.
  8. D

    Question About my Aerator

    One of my three piece airlocks that is being used on a room temperature ferment has two fruit flies steeping in the vodka. I would say they can get through the holes in the top. Maybe you could rubberband a piece of cloth or paper towel over the top if you want to run without the lock part.
  9. D

    Question About my Aerator

    Find a lid off a spray bottle. Or if you have ever broken a hydrometer, you should have a spare tube you can make a new one from.
  10. D

    Apfelwein bottling ... Using fruit juice concentrate instead of priming sugar?

    I would think that your bottles could handle the 3 volumes of CO2. I don't know if I would be leaving a sixer in the trunk of the car in the sun.
  11. D

    tips to improve biab effeciency

    Ask them to double crush it
  12. D

    Do you keep mashing at/slightly below 150F and never raise it to mashout for an IPA?

    If you want a high attenuation, mash longer or do a two step mash. I would start lower than 150. There is no point in doing a mash out in biab. Pull your bag, start your burner and let it rip. You can muck around with the bag while the majority of the wort is coming to a boil.
  13. D

    Extra time in Primary?

    Any ale i can see through with a 5 minute, 1 minute, flame out, hop stand or dry hop does not benefit from leaving it in the primary past it being done. I paid for those hop aromas, i would like to enjoy them.
  14. D

    temperature control

    Why is it the best way? More work and you remove the functionality of the original unit. Take a wine bottle fridge. You covert it , brew a beer and for whatever reason you immediately move up to a 28 cu ft freezer. Or maybe you're free cycle chest freezer dies a month later. Lot of wasted...
  15. D

    Are these salts okay to buy? Safe and food grade....

    That is,just a list of typical uses. They specifically say "food grade" in the title. I would buy and use them. Fyi, fish are much more sensitive than humans. They die right now a when their water is contaminated. I feel safe with the purity level of anything that is made for aquarium use.
  16. D

    Yeast cake looking weird to me... (with pictures!)

    So confused. You either filtered or you didn't. Either way there doesn't seem to be anything in your pictures that is concerning. It looks like coagulated proteins and yeast doing a happy dance :ban:
  17. D

    Imperial Pale Ale fermenting question

    I vote for bottle now. This is assuming your FG is steady. I'm interested to see other replies.
  18. D

    Apfelwein bottling ... Using fruit juice concentrate instead of priming sugar?

    You do realize you are going to be at about 3.2 volumes of CO2 if you used that whole thing for 5 gallons?
  19. D

    Making Traditional rice Wine. Cheap, Fun, and Different

    Could it be the mean temperature in Thailand is a little bit warmer than we like to keep our houses? Or could it be the dessert that is made with the rice? The rice isn't terribly appetizing looking at week 3. Maybe you could ask your mother in law about the amount of water used when making...
  20. D

    4wks still a high gravty reading

    Adding water to it will make it a nice culture medium for science projects. You won't have enough alcohol in it to be safe. There are a lot of things you could try if the reason is because you mashed at too high of a temperature. None of them necessarily worthy of consideration. These are...