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  1. AJBrew710

    What makes a good brewer?

    Fermentation temperature control, hands down.
  2. AJBrew710

    Tall 5 Gallon Pot?

    Nice, thanks!
  3. AJBrew710

    Aflec as BATMAN............

    I'm a huge Superman fan and was PO'd by the mere mention of Batman being in the sequel. They could further develop Superman's character outside the realm of other superheros, and it would have been awesome. Now Affleck is just the cherry topping on an already ba$tardized sequel. IMHO.
  4. AJBrew710

    Never Ending Word Thread

  5. AJBrew710

    Tall 5 Gallon Pot?

    Nobody :confused:
  6. AJBrew710

    Tall 5 Gallon Pot?

    Hey all, I currently brew 5 gallons but am switching to 2.5 gallon batches so I can brew more often. I was wondering if anybody had a recommendation for a 5 gallon pot to brew the 2.5 gallon batches. My current 7.5 gallon pot for 5 gallon batches is wider than it is tall, and I get a lot...
  7. AJBrew710

    Oktoberfest misbehaving

    If you love the flavor, I personally would leave it. Fermentation will put CO2 in solution that can come out as the beer warms up, even without being carbonated. I would keg it and enjoy!
  8. AJBrew710

    Any problem lighting boil kettle before its full?

    Yeah, that's not a problem at all. In fact it can be a good thing as it can halt further enzymatic activity and lock in your wort profile, depending on your sparge method. And if you enjoy the beer, then all the better. Cheers.
  9. AJBrew710

    My first bottle bomb!

    Sorry, I don't have a number. I just know some people with cappers that eventually wore out so I was tossing that out as an option. But I don't know how many bottles they did. I think it's more of a YMMV kind of thing than a hard number.
  10. AJBrew710

    100% NC pale ale

    Very cool. I've been thinking of doing my own hops and here you run the entire gambit. Cheers! :mug:
  11. AJBrew710

    My first bottle bomb!

    And if you decide to stick with your current capper, you may want to look at replacing the bell. Those do eventually wear out and won't crimp the caps as well.
  12. AJBrew710

    4 Word Story

    a man realized that
  13. AJBrew710

    4 Word Story

    which is another thread
  14. AJBrew710

    4 Word Story

    Or are you just
  15. AJBrew710

    What are you drinking now?

    Drinking a homebrewed IPA.
  16. AJBrew710

    Brewed 2 batches, goofed a little on each

    So with the timeframe you mentioned, I wouldn't worry about the splashing. That early in primary fermentation, yeast will clean up the additional oxygen pretty fast. It's possible that adding some 100 degree wort thermally shocked the yeast, and it may take them a bit to pick back up. You...
  17. AJBrew710

    First brew on Morebeer 1550!

    Awesome...hell, I'd be happy just standing there watching water boil on that thing of beauty :mug:
  18. AJBrew710

    4 Word Story

    of the hotel kitchen