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  1. TJinWV

    Morgantown brewers?

    There are two pretty active groups in the area. The Morgantown Area Society of Homebrewers (MASH) are pretty active in Morgantown, with regular meetings and tastings at local establishments. Check them out at, or on Facebook using their full name. About 15 miles down...
  2. TJinWV

    Big Step for WV Craft Breweries

    This is great news for WVians!
  3. TJinWV

    Harrison County Homebrew Club

    LOL, for some reason I looked at your posted date and though that was the date of the meeting. My bad. :)
  4. TJinWV

    Harrison County Homebrew Club

    How was the turnout? Who is the LHBS in Lumberport?
  5. TJinWV

    using a bottling bucket as a primary?

    Williams Brewing promotes a siphonless primary in their brew kits. I've used it for all my brews. For the record, the spigot is mounted a little higher than in a typical bottling bucket, and has a special turned-down tube on the back nut to help keep things where they need to be.
  6. TJinWV

    jeep wrangler owners lets see your rigs!

    Here's mine. '02 TJ, ARBs, OME lift, tummy tuck, 34" LTBs.
  7. TJinWV

    Northern Brewer Bourbon Barrel Porter

    A guy in my local club told me his bourbon beers were always overpowered by the bourbon, and recommended using less. I figured I'd stick with the kit instructions for the first time, since I had recommendations to go both ways. Live and learn, and make better beer next time! The Lexington...
  8. TJinWV

    Northern Brewer Bourbon Barrel Porter

    Figured I'd update this. I bottled on New Years Day, and cracked one open last night. The bourbon flavor was very weak, and it had a strong smokey finish. If I were to do it over again, I'd use more bourbon, and probably not put the oak chips in the secondary. It poured very dark with a...
  9. TJinWV

    Northern Brewer Bourbon Barrel Porter

    I have this kit in secondary atm. Getting ready to soak the oak chips for a few days or so, then add them to secondary for a week. I'm using Old Crow as well. I must admit, I had some of the Old Crow a couple evenings ago, and I was very disappointed in it. I typically drink Woodford, but I...
  10. TJinWV

    Vanilla Bourbon Dubbel

    You should edit your first post with the correct info, so that doesn't happen to the next person (that would have been me, if I didn't read all the way through :mug:).
  11. TJinWV

    Homebrewers in Charleston WV?

    Hey 707, I'm not active in the clubs, just follow the facebook groups. I know a few people in the clubs, and there is some cross-pollination of course. :)
  12. TJinWV

    Homebrewers in Charleston WV?

    Two hours north as in Fairmont? There's a Fairmont Area Society of Homebrewers (FASHists) and Morgantown Area Society of Homebrewers (MASH), both with a big presence on facebook.
  13. TJinWV

    Big Easy Express (mumford, old crow, ES&MZ)

    I'm a big OCMS fan, but I think I'm the only person in the free world who doesn't like Mumford. Not too familiar with Edward Sharp, but his voice reminds me of a Prius commercial.
  14. TJinWV

    Beer advocate

    I've visited it a few times to see reviews on some of my favorites, but for the most part, I know what I like and I don't need someone else to tell me if they like it.
  15. TJinWV

    First time home buyer

    Live in the house a few months before deciding to do major remodeling. You may find that what you initially thought was, for instance, a horrid kitchen layout actually works well, and you could save some cash by getting away with just new cabinets instead of gutting the entire thing. But...
  16. TJinWV

    Thats not a knife...

    I carry a Leatherman Fuse and a Case Medium Stockman daily as tools, not protection. During hunting season I carry a Remington Big Game folder with rubberized handle and bone saw/gut hook.
  17. TJinWV

    looking for opinions on these 2 Equipment kits

    You don't need a siphon with the Williams kit. The fermenter has a spigot.
  18. TJinWV

    Who is a left handed brewer?

    Lefty except swinging a bat and golf clubs, but I putt lefty.
  19. TJinWV

    Anyone brewed lately?

    I just took a nut brown off the burner. No wort chiller, so I'm running an ice bath in the sink. Gotta go get the boys from school in about 20, though, so it's probably gonna have to sit a while before I can put it in the fermenter. :( Chucko, I just picked up a better bottle from Northern...
  20. TJinWV

    Brewing in WV

    Hello! Where you from in WV?