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  1. wilserbrewer

    Does this look like a suitable grain mill?

    Be careful running that thing without the hopper, looks powerful enough to ruin a perfectly good hand!
  2. wilserbrewer

    Wilser bag woes

    Where does one go to retrieve their good reputation back after such slander :) ? Happy Holidays Thanks again, Wilser
  3. wilserbrewer

    Wilser bag woes

    Here folks is the main reason why 98% of my business is now wholesale. I recall this nightmare like it was yesterday, even though it was years ago, the OP and I traded at least a half dozen emails w him wanting to debate me at length. I suggested using the draw string to hoist and that was...
  4. wilserbrewer

    Is Wilser bags out of business

    Not by any means, we are still alive and well...thanks for asking. My "free" website has finally been removed after hearing it was to be shut down for nearly 5 years :) I need to establish a new site, but have been keeping busy with commercial orders for LHBS and micro breweries. Until I get a...
  5. wilserbrewer

    BIAB in Keggle 10 gallon

    Yup, 10 gallon BIAB in a keggle is like building a ship in a bottle….it can be done :)
  6. wilserbrewer

    BIAB in Keggle 10 gallon

    I make a bag with a heavy taper that gets rather slim at the bottom to help in getting the grain ball out. even though I feel keggles are less than ideal for BIAB, there is a demand. And with some gymnastics they work no doubt. 20 gallon kettle more better :) Sell the heavy keggle and buy a 20...
  7. wilserbrewer

    AIO Sparge vs. No there a qualitative difference?

    I may be wrong, but I think the only significant difference between a hot and cold sparge is the resulting kettle temp is lower with a cold sparge, taking longer to reach boil. Try a cold sparge if you want to play around…
  8. wilserbrewer

    Anyone have some pics demonstrating how to fasten to a Wilser Mesh BIAB bag for hoisting?

    I did a post here a while back, rather than link it, please just Google search “BIAB hoisting w/ ratchet pulley, rev 1” , all the information you need and more ….thanks
  9. wilserbrewer

    Do I need a grain bag with Grainfather S40?

    I can do a bag for that unit for a reasonable price :) Thanks
  10. wilserbrewer

    I’m Dumb and Forgot to Turn off the Burner

    Depending on how quickly your mash temperature increased, conversion may well have been complete before you hit higher temperatures. My guess it is close to intended….
  11. wilserbrewer

    Recirc eBIAB Improvements: Whirpool Recirc, New Mill, Temp Probe, New Bag?

    What kind of false bottom are you running? A BIAB false bottom from brew hardware might improve your recirc rate due to much greater “open area”. I used a corona for years, then purchased a 3 roller kegco mill…frankly not much difference in the crush that either puts out..jme Interesting idea...
  12. wilserbrewer

    Heating element and controller

    Carbide hole saw also works well…
  13. wilserbrewer

    BIAB Efficiency and Grain weight

    Interesting approach… I suppose efficiency does increase wit multiple successive batch sparge a w/ portions of the grain bill…. Reminds me of Calculus I believe. Sounds like too much effort to me, but if you find this soothing while you come to boil have at it…. Your efficiency seems...
  14. wilserbrewer

    Wilserbrewer Black Friday Sale

    Happy Holiday weekend fellow home brewers. Just a heads up…Black Friday sale in the sponsor section. Thanks Wilser
  15. wilserbrewer

    Wilserbrewer BIAB Black Friday Sale

    Happy holiday weekend home brewers. By request we are running a Black Friday Sale. Please choose from the following offers. 1. Free hop bags or hop sox with any order. 2. Free double pulley upgrade, on any single pulley Grand Slam package. The GS Package includes a BIAB bag, hop bag, and...
  16. wilserbrewer

    Securely tying the bag

    I did a post on this a while back…
  17. wilserbrewer

    How do you Mash in w/BIAB?

    I dump the entire grain bill into the bag installed in the mash water and stir until smooth. I will caution those that seem to panic at the thought of dough balls and stir like a lunatic. I have observed BIAB bags damaged by what I believe to be lunatic all manly stirring. This often happens...
  18. wilserbrewer

    First all grain - trashcan used as insulation!

    Back to the trash insulation…this is a valid approach, but I feel you need to strike high and anticipate temp losses. From your temps you mashed at the low end and let fall…. You can get away with minimal insulation, just anticipate the temp loss and let it roll so you are in the middle of the...
  19. wilserbrewer

    Bag size to kettle size

    No sorry Beermeister I’m out of context here… I was referring to the fact that w/ pricey brew bag you still need binder clips to hold it to the kettle, and w/ draw string bag you don’t. I’m actually a fan of multiple bags if that’s what it takes to get the job done!!
  20. wilserbrewer

    Bag size to kettle size

    The drawstring works great to secure the bag around the top of the kettle during mashing, then you can very simply hook the drawstring to your hoist… No need for school boy binder clips to fix your bag to the kettle…win I did a post a while back detailing hoisting options. Google, “BIAB...