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  1. sagnew440

    Wy-3538 Leuven: General Experiences

    I really liked it. I brewed a great Belgian pale and blonde with it. More phelonic/spicy than fruity.
  2. sagnew440

    Pineapple Pale Ale Recipe Critique

    A guy in my brew club makes a pineapple pale. He throws the pineapple in a food processer then strains the pulp out. He only adds the juice. If you keg, that's when he adds it. If you bottle your gonna need to let it ferment out. It makes a tasty beer. Oh yeah, Use the Ripest/Sweetest...
  3. sagnew440

    Any experience with T-58 yeast?

    I use t-58 for my wit. I ferment at 59deg and have never had a problem with attenuation or a stuck ferment. It took about 2.5 weeks to finish. I roused the yeast once a day as soon as activity really slowed down. It tends to give more pepper/spice than fruit that low.
  4. sagnew440

    Sage n' the Rye (in progress)

    I've used small amounts of rye in my wit. It works well for a little added spiciness.
  5. sagnew440

    Wyeast 3538 - Corsendonk/Leuven

    I just used this yeast on a belgian pale and blonde. More phelonic than fruity, little banana with some bubblegum. I fermented from 66 up to 72. I like it better than just about every other belgian yeast out ( except wlp575 and the unibroue strain).
  6. sagnew440

    Dropped Bottle of Amylase Enzyme in Beer

    Bummer. Not sure about if it is toxic in that amount, my guess is no since its just an enzyme.
  7. sagnew440

    $18.99 for a 20 gallon fermenter?

    There was a write up in byo a few years ago using a rubbermaid brute. All you nee to do is put a grommet in the lid, then put a thin bead of keg lube on the rim of the can, and use some spring clamps to secure the lid down.
  8. sagnew440

    Need a good yeast substitution suggestion

    wlp007 dry english. Its got the flavor and can handle the big og.
  9. sagnew440

    Scottish Heavy Scottish Ale 80 Shilling (2nd place HBT Comp)

    I rebrewed this about two months ago, only as a 60/-. I also boiled down the 1st runnings to 1/4 gal. Still a great beer.
  10. sagnew440

    Frozen bottles and wrapping carboy in heavy blanket bad idea?

    Thats the way i ferment if im not using my ferm chamber.
  11. sagnew440

    LHBS St. Louis?

    Depending on where live and how far you like to drive there is the StlBrews (the biggest) that meet off of Hampton, the Garage Brewers Society in O'fallon, and the StlHops (the smallest) club that meets in south city at Perennial Artisan Ales. They are all great clubs.
  12. sagnew440

    LHBS St. Louis?

    There's a pretty decent amount of homebrewers in the area. Have you had a chance to check out any homebrew clubs yet?
  13. sagnew440

    LHBS St. Louis?

    If you brew alot and plan out your brews ahead of time Mo Malt Supply is the way to go. Both Dave's and St.Louis Wine and Beer are both good LHBS. Dave's actuallys will sell specialty grains by the ounce which is nice.
  14. sagnew440

    stout help!

    Recipe looks good. The only thing I would change is swap out .5lb black malt for the special b. That should get you the toasty coffee flavors. Mashing low might help bring the gravity down, but with all that extract you might want add some sugar to help bring your fg down.
  15. sagnew440

    Breweries to see in St Louis

    Yeah I was thinking of the Stable that closed down. Buffalo is open.
  16. sagnew440

    Breweries to see in St Louis

    I just went to Pappys the other day and Buffalo is no longer in business. Dan brews at Kirkwood Station in Kirkwood.
  17. sagnew440

    Breweries to see in St Louis

    Check out It's got a lot of great info on beer in st.louis. As for brewpubs we've had alot open up the last year. I would check out Schlafly Bottleworks, Urban Chestnut, Civil Life Brewing, 4 Hands Brewing, and Perennial Artisian Ales. Schlafly has tons of great beer. Urban...
  18. sagnew440

    Unsure what is going on here....

    It wont hurt you or make you sick. May taste like complete crap, though. If it makes you feel any better I've got brown ale that picked up a brett infection. I've been letting it ride for a few months now. Doesn't taste bad or sour, just funky.
  19. sagnew440

    Temp control without fridge

    I would try to find some heavy duty trash bags. Double bag your fermenter, set it in the tub, then fill the tub. Should keep the water out without having to put putty in you spigot.