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  1. smartin73

    Issue with wort chiller

    City water. It was a few years old and with the stretch of super cold weather and the probability that there was water in it and it froze, thinking/guessing that’s probably the cause.
  2. smartin73

    Issue with wort chiller

    Thanks everyone, cooled down to 68 and pitched the yeast. Now to buy a new wort chiller. Found more holes, just too many to fix.
  3. smartin73

    Issue with wort chiller

    If it were a couple weeks then absolutely (like 5 degrees). Now we have rainy and temps in the mid 40s-50s.
  4. smartin73

    Issue with wort chiller

    Sorry, its a 5 gallon batch.
  5. smartin73

    Issue with wort chiller

    So this is my fault for not thoroughly checking everything before I start but with 30 minutes left in my brew, i see that my wort chiller has a whole in the copper. I have a beer fridge that i can store it in to try and bring the temp down, is that my only option?
  6. smartin73

    DIY Homebrew Mobile Beer Dispenser

    Really nice setup. how long does it keep the beer cold? Do you use ice at all?
  7. smartin73

    DIY Homebrew Mobile Beer Dispenser

    Really nice setup. how long does it keep the beer cold? Do you use ice at all?
  8. smartin73

    December 2013 New England Grain Buy

    Is this buy still open or is there a new one? Sent from my iPad using Home Bre
  9. smartin73

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    I had my first pull from the keg. OMG, this is amazing. Thanks for receipe!
  10. smartin73

    May 2013 New England Grain Buy

    Thanks for putting this all together
  11. smartin73

    Full Hard Lemonade recipe

    Yeah, I'm curious if it's up front (before fermentation) or if it's part of the back sweetening, guessing it's the back sweetening. making this again next week and have been thinking cranberry lemonade
  12. smartin73

    May 2013 New England Grain Buy

    So where do we stand?
  13. smartin73

    May 2013 New England Grain Buy

    sent mine out today, sorry for the delay.
  14. smartin73

    May 2013 New England Grain Buy

    Added one bag to the order.
  15. smartin73

    Hard Iced Tea

    I just re-brewed this for a friend today, he really like it the last time. Last time it ended up at 7.5%, back sweetened and added tea (because it lost all of it's tea flavor), it went down to 4.5% which isn't bad, but we want it a higher. 5 Gallon of Arizona Southern Style Real Brewed Sweet...
  16. smartin73

    C02 question

    Thanks all, stupid mistake. Now I've got to deal with over carbonated beer.
  17. smartin73

    C02 question

    I recently bought a 4-way distributor and have a single dual gauge regulator. So how does it work as it relates to PSI: 40 PSI split 4 way equaling 10 PSI per outlet OR is it full 40 PSI for each outlet?
  18. smartin73

    inexpensive solution for taps on my kegerator

    I've had the fridge for a few months and have been using it to hold my corny keg and using my picnic tap. One of my buddies stopped brewing and gave me 3 kegs (SCORE!). I was able to get a good 4-way CO2 distributor from my LHBS and while I was picked up all the keg connectors, etc., and 3...
  19. smartin73

    Hard Iced Tea

    I made the OP recipe (arizona sweet tea). I fermented about 6 weeks (maybe longer), it ended up at 7.5%. However, there isn't a whole lot of tea flavor left. I need to back sweeten and it def needs more tea flavor, I'm ok with loosing ABV points. I'm thinking about either making a...