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  1. lewdog50

    Stuck pump? During Recirc, whirlpool, and transfer...

    When are you having the flow issue? Is it directly after you end the boil? Sometimes the wort can still be boiling in the lines causing the pump to have air inside the pump head. This would definitely cause flow rate issues.
  2. lewdog50

    Kettle False Bottom Problem

    That false bottom IS made for keggles. I have been using with great success for the last 5 years.:)
  3. lewdog50

    Supercharging a natural gas BG14 burner

    Definitely looking forward to the results of this one.
  4. lewdog50

    Marris Otter IPA

    no need to push the high IBU territory. I normally keep many of my IPA's about 50 to 55 IBUs or so.
  5. lewdog50

    Marris Otter IPA

    Maris is great in in IPA's. Try a 50/50 split with 2 row, no other grain additions. Try a pound or so of corn sugar to dry it out with 5 mins left in boil. Really let's the hops shine.
  6. lewdog50

    Fathers Day sale 20% off the entire site @ Nor Cal Brewing Solutions

    Thanks so much! False bottom is great!
  7. lewdog50

    Maybe moving to the cloud wasn't such a great idea....

    mods and admins are aware and are working on it. bastard spammers
  8. lewdog50

    DeBrewer's Home Brewery

    WTF...........I hate my life. Can i trade for yours? Seriously though, that's one serious brew room.
  9. lewdog50

    Fathers Day sale 20% off the entire site @ Nor Cal Brewing Solutions

    false bottom time for the new setup. Code please!
  10. lewdog50

    Bottle Cap Preference

    oxygen caps can have a hop aroma robbing quality when used with IPA's, from my experience. I use oxygen caps on all my beers except the highly hopped ones.
  11. lewdog50

    Sourcing Universal Poppets

    i dont have a source for poppets, but what is OBK?
  12. lewdog50

    Bent lip keg fix?

    pliers work just fine for this:rockin:
  13. lewdog50

    Can i combine ball andpin lock kegs?

    pin locks were used exclusively by coke, everyone else used ball lock hence more ball locks in the market.
  14. lewdog50

    Freezer/temp controller

    definitely check the jumper setting. sounds like your in heating mode
  15. lewdog50

    New Keezer - Expanded Metal - Taplister

    Should be about 21 cuft. I'm building one right now out of a 24.8 cuft. Go big or go home.
  16. lewdog50

    Automating BG14 burner on propane

    I am running the Williams orifice valve on both of my low pressure burners, one with a Honeywell valve and one plumbed directly to my regulator. I have found that there is no difference between the gas flow rates to either burner, even with both turned on at the same time.
  17. lewdog50

    Automating BG14 burner on propane

    also don't try to drill out the orifices. Just purchase the low pressure ones from williams brewing