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  1. W

    So,,,,,how much will I save

    I'm different than most home brewers. I got a process (brew in a bag) down, I can make pretty good beer within a fairly defined window of styles (nothing too big), and now I just churn out 50 beers at a time for $20 - $25. With 3 kids I don't have time to experiment (experiment=buying lots of...
  2. W

    Home Brew for People Who Claim To Like Beer

    My brother's beer of choice is Bud Light. I recently gave him 18 of BierMunchers Centennial Blonde. He and his roommate still rave about it as the "best beer they have ever had" - and I'm not a very good brewer. It's a great gateway beer into something a bit more flavorful - main thing is...
  3. W

    The Mystique Of Bottling

    I bottle with my daughter. Its fun. Really. We've done it enough that it takes about an hour or so, and it's an hour that she's willing to spend with me doing something that I enjoy. I really don't mind it a bit, in fact - I look forward to it.
  4. W

    What is the "worst" beer you like? Your guilty pleasure, if you will...

    PBR -one reason only I raft the Gauley River every fall with some good friends. After we're done (and still alive - hopefully) the rafting company passes out PBRs on the bus ride back to camp. The adrenaline is still pumping, we're all alive and reliving the incredible day, and the PBR is...
  5. W


    I BIAB with two 7.5 gallon pots - mash in one, sparge in the second, then add the two together for the boil. The most grain my "mash" pot can handle is about 13 lbs. While that is mashing, I bring my sparge water to temp and then dunk/sparge. Its a really easy way to go all-grain. If...
  6. W

    Brewery names--what's your story?

    5 Fools Brewing Co. - I have a wife and 3 kids The wife and daughter designed a logo and made me a t-shirt last Christmas. I wear it whenever I brew.
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    Wyeast 3711 -- I'm officially impressed

    This was my first saison, and I used 3711. First, the fermentation was outstanding - very consistent with what everyone else has posted. With rgards to taste - I was quite impressed with the final product. However, I kept the initial fermentation temps low - mid 60's - and allowed it to...
  8. W

    The Pursuit Of Happiness

    This is an obvious rimshot - but I can't resist. You could have substituted an "o" and had the perfect comeback (and name for your next ale). However, your response was just fine. I had 3 batches in various stages of fermentation a while ago. A co-worker asked me "how much beer do you...
  9. W

    Mash Paddle Giveaway

    I never win anything
  10. W

    Marathon Fermentation

    I thought that amylase was self limiting (as opposed to Beano) and would essentially stop itself and not ferment the beer down to nothing. I read a few threads where folks successfully dropped their gravity 10 points and the fermentation stopped. If wrong, so be it - I couldn't drink what I...
  11. W

    Other hobbies besides homebrew..

    Chasing kids. Camping with kids (not nearly often enough). Fishing with kids (see sidenote on camping). Gardening to feed kids. Did I mention that I have kids? I also like to cook, especially using locally grown stuff either from my garden or the farmer's market. Once a year I raft...
  12. W

    Marathon Fermentation

    I'm in the middle of a marathon event. I brewed Biermuncher's SWMBO Slayer. BIAB - for some reason efficiency was terrible, probably due to crush. O.G. was 10 points low - okay, I'll have a nice session Belgian Blonde. After 3 weeks fermentation stalled completely at 1.020. I tried...
  13. W

    Ugh. Bottle Bombs. Sierra Nevada Bottles Anyone?

    I also use SN bottles almost exclusively because I like the way the box stores compactly in my closet. I've never had an issue, but have only bottled about 10 batches in my career.
  14. W

    SWBO Slayer on Nottingham cake?

    Arrrgh - SWMBO I think that I'll call this beer the Slayer of Nottingham.
  15. W

    SWBO Slayer on Nottingham cake?

    I recently brewed Biermuncher's SWBO Slayer recipe. For some reason (probably lack of starter), fermentation stalled at 1.020. After several weeks, I gave up and pitched it onto a Nottingham cake that came available. Fermentation started immediately and vigorously. Question - how long...
  16. W

    Brew in bag?

    I've been using the paint strainer bags for 5 batches so far, and they work great. BIAB has been a lot of fun for me - I feel like I'm really contributing something to the process as opposed to just boiling up a kit, but I didn't need a bunch of new equipment to buy/make/maintain.
  17. W

    Recently employed, looking for celebration recipe.

    Congrats on your new employment - that had to be stressful. Hope the beer is as good or better than the new job. DW
  18. W

    extract or all grain

    Extract with steeping grains. Its not particularly hard, but it does give you experience with all grain techniques. However - don't do either until you figure out a way to control fermentation temperature. I recommend a swamp cooler unless you have a cellar. My first batch was...
  19. W

    So who's brewing this weekend?

    Just finished a 5 gallon Saison Ete.
  20. W

    How many gallons of BierMuncher's Centennial Blonde have been brewed?

    +5 1145 - Brewed on National Homebrew Day