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  1. hoppedupbrewer

    Sold Draft System - Perlick faucets

    Draft system - $200/obo shipped 4x Perlick 525ss forward-sealing faucets 2x 4" Stainless shanks 2x 5" stainless shanks Two gauge regulator for C02 tank 3-way gas distributor 4x Ball lock liquid disconnects with duotight fittings 4x Duotight shank coupler (not pictured)
  2. hoppedupbrewer

    Sold March Pump w/ QD & valve & hoses *SOLD*

    March 809 Pump - $125/obo now asking $100/obo Reduced to $80/obo Buyer pays shipping (est. $15) Includes everything pictured: 809-PL-HS pump with quick-detatch ends and SS ball valve. I'll throw in the two hoses used between the pump and my brewing vessel as well
  3. hoppedupbrewer

    lets see your full Fermenters

    Loved the colors in this IPA. This was taken a week ago Sunday, and we got 10" of snow starting immediately after I cut the kettle heat.
  4. hoppedupbrewer

    Paint Mixer Style Aeration

    Maybe, but probably not to an extent you'd notice. Aerate before you pitch if you're concerned about it.
  5. hoppedupbrewer

    Mash Tun size question

    I have a 52qt and I think it's a perfect balance between being able to do big 5 gallon batches, and still-pretty-big 10-gallon batches. Check out this post for some more discussion: How Big Your Mash Tun Needs To Be There's a nice comparison table in that thread.
  6. hoppedupbrewer

    Yeast starter

    18-24 hours is what I usually do, but if it's a modest beer or I'm starting with a pretty fresh smack pack, I've made a starter the morning of. Nothing terribly specific, but here's a video from Wyeast talking about not leaving starters on the stir plate too long:
  7. hoppedupbrewer

    My $15 solution to putting a keggle on top of my SP10

    I was never comfortable with the grill-grate, either. If I have 12 gallons of boiling liquid, I want that pot to be as stable as possible, and this wasn't any more expensive than buying an extra grate.
  8. hoppedupbrewer

    My $15 solution to putting a keggle on top of my SP10

    Sorry I missed this; Each side was around 14.25". The worst part of the project was the ring isn't a perfect circle, so it's kind of a pain to get everything mounted up. I cut things to fit as I went, so it's not the nicest looking, but still rock solid many batches later. I don't have...
  9. hoppedupbrewer

    Homebrewing Blog

    While we're talking about commenting, what are people's thoughts on comment systems? Blogger blogs allow a host of login options, blogs hosted on wordpress usually allow people to sign-in with facebook, twitter, or use a name and email. Disqus is becoming more popular and has options similar...
  10. hoppedupbrewer

    Calling All ND Brewers!

    I'd normally be able to help you out, but I've handed out a ton of beer lately, and not all the bottles have come back. I'll let you know if I can scrape up a case or so of empties.
  11. hoppedupbrewer

    Homebrewing Blog

    I'm curious where most of your views originate. Search engine referrals, link referrals from other sites (I see you post on /r/homebrewing occasionally), or direct traffic? Mine is very slowly trending upwards, and I see more and more search engine traffic all the time, but I'd like to see more...
  12. hoppedupbrewer

    Homebrewing Blog

    Just posted tasting notes on the Strawberry Blonde I made. I'll have a post or two coming up this week about my TSS2 temp controller and thermowells as I get ready to brew my first lager.
  13. hoppedupbrewer

    aerating/oxygenating- what's your method?

    I don't think I've seen or heard of anyone aerating this way until I saw @firebrewer on twitter post pictures a few days ago:
  14. hoppedupbrewer

    Batch Sparge Opinions requested

    This, exactly this. It seems many people over complicate sparging because they try to follow some kind of volume formula they found in a dark corner of the Internet, and are then surprised when their postboil numbers are not at all close to target. This way is exceptionally simple; one only...
  15. hoppedupbrewer

    Bucket spigot Issues

    It's plastic, so they have a finite life, but the one I'm using now is probably close to 2 years old, and it gets taken apart at least a couple times a month. They're only ~$3, so I keep an extra on hand in case one decides to spring a leak on me.
  16. hoppedupbrewer

    Bucket spigot Issues

    Yep, I had 2 infected batches in a row when I was still bottling. Sample tasted great on bottling day, but 3+ weeks in the bottle and the were awful. Finally narrowed it down to my bottling spigot, which at the time, I didn't know you could disassemble.
  17. hoppedupbrewer

    Which burner?

    ^ This would be my advice. If you think there's any chance of you buying a Top Tier in the future, go with the Blichmann. Outside of that, I have an SP-10 that I modified to securely hold a keggle, and I'm quite happy with it.