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  1. JaymzMF

    Digiboil on extension cord

    This is so crazy you just posted this. This just happened to me last weekend. Only, I could not get it to unplug and it ended up pulling the wiring out of the digiboil cord. I had to cut both the extension cord and the digiboil cord and have picked up new plugs to replace. I have used the...
  2. JaymzMF

    All grain problems

    I'd love to add something if you don't mind. You stated that your mash PH would be something like 5.6 and you adjust it during your mash. I was taught to take a PH reading just to make an adjustment if it's off for your NEXT brew and NOT to adjust during this mash as it's already too late. I...
  3. JaymzMF

    Overpowering hop burn/bite in neipa

    If you've only poured one glass, chances are you have hop sediment in it. I just experienced this the other day when transferring mine. Prior to transferring, I took a sample. Bad hop burn. Upon closer inspection, there was a lot of small hop debris. I use an inline screen filter during transfer...
  4. JaymzMF

    Fermenter Stirred up!

    Great, thank you for the reply. I'll go ahead with the plan of trying again tonight. 24 hours still cold, should be good!
  5. JaymzMF

    Fermenter Stirred up!

    That's what I was thinking too. I was going to give it at least another 24 hours. Thanks for the reply!
  6. JaymzMF

    Fermenter Stirred up!

    Hello all. Had an interesting thing happen last night as I was about to close transfer a double IPA (heavily dry hopped). Had been cold crashed to 35 for 4 days in a Spike Flex+. Everything hooked up ready to close pressure transfer to the keg. Only, I forgot to depressurize the keg! Had about...
  7. JaymzMF

    What are you drinking now?

    Very tasty
  8. JaymzMF

    What are you drinking now?

    First time trying it. Does not disappoint!
  9. JaymzMF

    What are you drinking now?

    Good. Coffee overpowers the coconut
  10. JaymzMF

    What are you drinking now?

    This is crazy that this tastes just like my imperial stout. The chocolate, the bourbon, it’s almost spot on. Mine is thicker than this but is so close. Anyone else make something that is very similar to a brewery? Not a clone? Just happens to? The head on this goes away quick tho. Mine stays...
  11. JaymzMF

    What are you drinking now?

    This is freaking delicious