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  1. the4gottenman

    Motorized Grain Mills: Time to show them off!

    This is the motor and gear box I bought
  2. the4gottenman

    Northern Colorado-CMC group buy round 2

    I'd be down for a bag. Later this summer I'd probably be able to buy more though.
  3. the4gottenman

    Funny things you've overheard about beer

    You can't spell slaughter without laughter
  4. the4gottenman

    blichmann auto-sparge

    I've used mine in my cooler MLT with a pump and gravity fed and I love it.
  5. the4gottenman

    Northern Colorado-CMC group buy round 2

    Perfect! Thanks:mug:
  6. the4gottenman

    Northern Colorado-CMC group buy round 2

    I just sent another google form for the bag of white wheat and sent the money including the freight over paypal.
  7. the4gottenman

    Northern Colorado-CMC group buy round 2

    Write me down for a bag of malted white wheat then. Do you need me to submit it through the form or do you just want me to pay over paypal? And did you get my message about wanting to switch one of my bags of 2 row to a bag of pale?
  8. the4gottenman

    Northern Colorado-CMC group buy round 2

    Do we still need one more bag?
  9. the4gottenman

    Northern Colorado-CMC group buy round 2

    Freight money sent
  10. the4gottenman

    Northern Colorado-CMC group buy round 2

    I'm still in for regular pricing.
  11. the4gottenman

    Northern Colorado-CMC group buy round 2

    I just sent my payment and even if we don't hit the pallet price it's still a better deal than what I'm paying now. I was wondering if I could switch mine from two bags of 2 row and one bag of pale to one bag of 2 row and two bags of pale?
  12. the4gottenman

    Northern Colorado-CMC group buy round 2

    So for the prepay, do we use the pallet pricing?
  13. the4gottenman

    Good beer in Amarillo and Dallas/Ft Worth area?

    We are staying in Dallas and our family is in Mesquite. We ate at the Triple J Chophouse and the food and beer were really good. :mug:
  14. the4gottenman

    Good beer in Amarillo and Dallas/Ft Worth area?

    Thanks! I think we are gonna try the Triple J Chophouse and Brew Co
  15. the4gottenman

    Good beer in Amarillo and Dallas/Ft Worth area?

    Correction, we're staying in Lubbock not Amarillo for a night.
  16. the4gottenman

    Good beer in Amarillo and Dallas/Ft Worth area?

    Thanks for the recommendations :mug:
  17. the4gottenman

    Good beer in Amarillo and Dallas/Ft Worth area?

    I'm going to a wedding this weekend in the DFW area and we're also stopping in Amarillo for a night. Anyone have any suggestions for some good brewery's or brew pubs?
  18. the4gottenman

    Motorized Grain Mills: Time to show them off!

    The way mine was setup I actually had to shim the mill up about a half inch. If you look in the pic under the mill you can see a piece of plywood that's cut to the same size as the base of the mill.
  19. the4gottenman

    Motorized Grain Mills: Time to show them off!

    Now that that pesky output shaft cover is off it works like a charm.
  20. the4gottenman

    Funny things you've overheard about beer

    I've read up to page 80 so far and it's made me realize how lucky I am to live in Northern Colorado. I've never had anyone think it was weird, gross or illegal that I brew beer. Plus there are some pretty good beers to drink around here.