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  1. clauslucking

    BrewFlasher - Windows/MacOS app for flashing ESP8266/ESP32 Brewing Projects

    This works fine. Also luck with the web flasher. But both report version 1.1.3 to be installed afterwords when I enters Tiltbridge on the card even both installers claim 1.2.0 as latest version - but it might be I misunderstand something :-)
  2. clauslucking

    BrewFlasher - Windows/MacOS app for flashing ESP8266/ESP32 Brewing Projects

    I'm having the same problem. Did you find a solution? Also the first version works fine for me.
  3. clauslucking

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    Had the OLED unit powered off for a night and this morning when power up the calibration equation is still there. So everything is fine. Thanks!
  4. clauslucking

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    Not that I’m an expert in any way... But when Connecting.... is showing I had to hit and hold a boot button a second on the card and then the installation started.
  5. clauslucking

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    Thanks a lot for the instant action. It works. However I would love to see the data kept in the software so I would not have to enter all data again after a power failure or something like that. Btw. Is there any way I can support this development in general with a coin or two?
  6. clauslucking

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    I have now upgraded to latest version. Thanks. But I think there is a new bug - even I have first enabled calibration it is not possible to add a calibration point like in the previous version?
  7. clauslucking

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    When I access the card I see this message: You are currently running on v0.2.3 of TiltBridge. Is this the TiltBridge firmware version? After calibrating the Tilt I get a slightly different measurement which is correct but I can’t see the calibration data neither in terms of coefficient nor data...
  8. clauslucking

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    I have just started to use TiltBridge with Brewfather software and this card ESP32 OLED Module ESP32 OLED WiFi + bluetooth Dual ESP-32 ESP-32S ESP8266. It looks like the calibration data is lost when the power to the card is removed - I somewhat expected the data to be kept for the next usage...