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  1. sudbuddy

    "Undermodified lager malt is heavily in used in Europe "!

    Not even close to true. Have you ever been to a German brewery? I've been to dozens, and all of them are at least 4 vessel systems to accomodate step mashing. A German brewer would be very puzzled as to why anyone would do a single infusion mash because it leaves most of the control over the...
  2. sudbuddy

    FT: Westleveteren 12

    Hi Guys and Gals, Just got back from master brewer training in Munich and I picked up some goodies along the way. One of those baubles is a lovely bottle of Westleveteren 12 that I am willing to trade for the right offer. Get at me folks! :mug:
  3. sudbuddy

    Master Brewer Education

    Hola Amigo! I just graduated from the WBA Master Brewer program on Friday. That is the Siebel/Doemens course of study that you were describing. I have to say it was awesome!! Worth every penny. It is a very international program (we had 16 countries represented in our class, including a...
  4. sudbuddy

    Goodbye, and Thank You

    Thanks for all the well wishes everyone, I will definitely keep you posted! :mug:
  5. sudbuddy

    Goodbye, and Thank You

    How could I ever forget that?!
  6. sudbuddy

    Goodbye, and Thank You

    I'm prepared for that! My favorite brewery (Odell) was afraid to go to Illinois because "we can't keep up with Chicago's drinking habits" BULL$H!T!! I'll be here to make sure we never get thirsty
  7. sudbuddy

    Goodbye, and Thank You

    You all have a standing free bar tab as far as I'm concerned. Probably gonna need some HBT credentials from you though. You know, username, definition of EAC, etc...
  8. sudbuddy

    Goodbye, and Thank You

    Never goodbye, how about "Ta ta for now?"
  9. sudbuddy

    Goodbye, and Thank You

    Hi Everyone, I have had a blast shooting the chit with you on this forum over the last few years. I am leaving my job at the LHBS now to pursue my dream; I start classes at the Siebel Institute Master Brewer Program next week and I couldn't be more excited. You have been awesome, and you...
  10. sudbuddy

    Is Beer Dying?

    Nice follow up
  11. sudbuddy

    Is Beer Dying?

    You didn't get the joke there. Goes back to an old George Bush II quote
  12. sudbuddy

    Hello from Costa Rica

    Bienvenido! Me encanta Costa Rica, salud!
  13. sudbuddy

    Weird ball lock keg - is this thing worth using?

    Well, it looks like you're gonna have to shave it before you use it for starters. That is a PRV (pressure relief valve) in the middle of the lid. You flip it and any gas that is in the keg should come out. My guess is there is a way to pop the lid when it is depressurized, but I've never...
  14. sudbuddy

    What are the best "local" beers?

    I'm a huge fan of Off Color brewing in my area. All of their better known stuff like Apex Predator is phenomenal, and their one-offs can be truly spectacular. Hopefully someday soon they will open a taproom because then I think I would just move in.
  15. sudbuddy

    What is a SWMBO?

    Slym2none Was Making Bogus Observations :D
  16. sudbuddy

    Men who sit to pee

    Do you sit to pee when you go outside? Doubtful. Our plumbing is built for standing. I rest my case
  17. sudbuddy

    Who poops at work?

    wrong thread guys, this one is about pooping
  18. sudbuddy

    What is a SWMBO?

    Some ******s MasturBate Often
  19. sudbuddy

    What is a SWMBO?

    Sweaty Woman's Masculine Body Odor
  20. sudbuddy

    What is a SWMBO?

    Someone needs to yank this guy's man card for giving it away so quick