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  1. WonkyDonkey

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    Calcium is Ca so unless you've already got some CaCl already in there it shouldn't alter the Ca levels when adding it, not withstanding whatever Gypsum you've added
  2. WonkyDonkey

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    Brewfather does have NaCl in, it is down as Canning Salt in the water additions section. Possibly of interest is that here in the UK, Verdant suggest adding it late into the boil to get the best utilisation.
  3. WonkyDonkey

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    Do you fine your beers at all (protafloc)? They always look fantastic and I swore that I saw you didn't, irrespective of grist, but couldn't be sure.
  4. WonkyDonkey

    Planning an Icelandic White Ale. Ideas?

    Really interested to see how this turns out. I had this on my wish list but was struggling to find any info on it, looks like the brewery has been very kind with the recipe they gave to you.
  5. WonkyDonkey

    New England IPA "Northeast" style IPA

    I'm still pretty new to this but recently I did my first step mash, 45min at 63c & 45min at 68c (UK brewer), using the Verdant dry which got me to 80% attenuation. Was aiming for a DIPA, ended up at 7% with an FG of 1012 and still had that 'mouthfeel'. Give it a whirl
  6. WonkyDonkey

    New England IPA New England Style TIPA

    Excellent thanks for the quick reply, looking forward to trying this out
  7. WonkyDonkey

    New England IPA New England Style TIPA

    That's great, thanks for the tip to calculate the IBUs. Would you recommend just reducing the CTZ at 60 & 10 evenly or would you only knock down the 60 to get the desired effect? Best to leave the WP as it is?
  8. WonkyDonkey

    New England IPA New England Style TIPA

    @Dgallo I'm looking to brew a DIPA version of your recipe this week. Scaling the recipe down how many IBUs would you go with? Currently if got it at 70, do you think that would work or is that a little high? ps Thanks for the single hop base recipe, I've made some great beer lately using that 👌
  9. WonkyDonkey

    Robobrew/Brewzilla Discussion

    What was the size of the grainbill / mash water on this batch? I'm yet to do a high gravity brew and trying to gauge how far I can push it to maximise volume vs drop in efficiency
  10. WonkyDonkey

    Lallemand Verdant IPA Ale

    No problem, good luck with it ✌️
  11. WonkyDonkey

    Lallemand Verdant IPA Ale

    No nothing detectable, keg is just about to kick. Verdant state that the yeast can over attenuate in its first generation and the recipe, directly from the Brewery, suggested using just the 1 packet. For my batch I pitched around 19c and took around 12hrs before the Tilt started to show a drop...
  12. WonkyDonkey

    Lallemand Verdant IPA Ale

    I followed the Verdant recipe for Even Sharks Need Water, pitched it directly onto 23 litres of 1.064 wort and finished at 1.013
  13. WonkyDonkey

    Online shops in the UK - advice requested

    I'm in the UK and whilst I do AG I have had good service off Brew2Bottle for other things. They do a lot of Mangrove Jack's extract kits and their prices are good. Give them a whirl 👍