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  1. Schecter

    Hefeweizen fermentation temp

    Hi Boxer, Congrats on your first brew! IIRC, like jrgtr42 touched on, your hefe yeast will output different flavors based on fermentation temperature. Think of a sliding scale with lower range temperatures putting out clove-like flavors, and higher range temperatures putting out banana-like...
  2. Schecter

    Cream Ale Cream of Three Crops (Cream Ale)

    Still brewing this in 2020. Cheers biermuncher.
  3. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VIII: The Battle of the Brewers

    Been so wrapped up in my new job I didn't even know a new one started...might have to sit this one out, not sure if I'll be ready by Friday!
  4. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VII: The Drinkers Awaken

    This. Plus y'all have been super generous and overpack the boxes!
  5. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VII: The Drinkers Awaken

    Give the man (or woman?) some time, especially since half of us (hi) slacked on getting em in!
  6. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VII: The Drinkers Awaken

    Oh that'll be a regret in the near future...
  7. Schecter

    What are you drinking now?

    I was just drinking Reciprocal
  8. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VII: The Drinkers Awaken

    Officially in ...damnit. Also I'm a corporate man now so I'll be able to actually submit my pick on time! P.s. the VP for my new company for the Americas is a homebrewer...
  9. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VII: The Drinkers Awaken

    Hm...I may be in. Timeline for me is a maybe, and I also don't work at the brewery anymore so now I'll have to actually put effort into finding beer :(
  10. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VI: All Crying Samwise's will be Flogged

    @froggyfrog make some room in your fridge...
  11. Schecter

    AB acquired Wicked Weed

    This post derailed quick.
  12. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VI: All Crying Samwise's will be Flogged

    I should've made a second HBT account to double dip...
  13. Schecter

    AB acquired Wicked Weed
  14. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VI: All Crying Samwise's will be Flogged

    Once a judoka, always. Triangles tell no lies.
  15. Schecter

    My 14% stout is flat after 9 weeks

    Due to the high alcohol percentage of the beer already, the original yeast may have dropped out due to tolerance. This means there could be residual sugar that is fermentable, which is why the concern of bottle bombs is a valid concern when adding a yeast with higher tolerance. It is a good...
  16. Schecter

    Fellowship of the Drink VI: All Crying Samwise's will be Flogged

    Glad to find we're getting around! Include it, it won't lose appeal from duplication!