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  1. ricshayne

    First all grain recipe

    I think it looks great. most malts are so highly modified these days that may temp truly doesn't matter as much as it once did. if I mash at 148 or 153 my house yeast still brings it down to 1.008, so don't worry about that so much. only thing i would tell you is that there really is no need for...
  2. ricshayne

    My Second Home brew (start)

    Don't worry about trub going into the fermentor it won't hurt your beer and may actually be beneficial! Also dont use snow to chill your pot, it is counter productive because it actually creates a layer of insulation...
  3. ricshayne

    How does this IPA 3-gallon recipe look?

    I would mash a bit lower to really create a really fermentable wort, like 149, but i like my IPAs dry. not really sure what the point of a mashout would be? I've never done one. also you generally want to heat your sparge water to around 185 or so to get the 168-170 temp range. theres a great...
  4. ricshayne

    Not sure if I caught any wild yeast

    About two weeks ago I attemped to capture some wild yeast. I followed the procedure at Bootleg Biology and put a mason jar out on a cool night. after 2 weeks inside it has mold growth on top, smells like the flower department of the grocery store and has an extremely thin layer of not so...
  5. ricshayne

    Water profile for American Brown Ale

    Im going to brew an American Brown Ale in the style of Bell's Best and Downtown Brown. this is what I have worked out and would appreciate any feedback. Ca: 65 Mg: 12 Na: 8 SO4: 49 Cl: 54 HCO3: 91
  6. ricshayne

    Water profile for American Brown Ale

    Im going to brew an American Brown Ale in the style of Bell's Best and Downtown Brown. this is what I have worked out and would appreciate any feedback. Ca: 65 Mg: 12 Na: 8 SO4: 49 Cl: 54 HCO3: 91
  7. ricshayne

    Pipeworks Yeast

    Ha! then you haven't tried enough. not trying to hate on Pipeworks they make some incredible, fantastic beers. but they also experiment a lot, which leaves a few less than desirable beers out there. Ive had many of their beers that I thought were amazing, War Bird being one of them. but the...
  8. ricshayne

    Why is everyone only into IPA's

    because they are delicious
  9. ricshayne

    After five days in the bucket, what should I expect regarding the airlock bubbling?

    Airlocks do not mean anything. stop paying attention to them. take readings.
  10. ricshayne

    Why is everyone into only talking about why everyone is into only IPAs?

    Because of hipster scum being too cool for IPA and needing to bitch about how they are too cool for IPA
  11. ricshayne

    How fragile are refractometers?

    Just calibrate it with distiller water
  12. ricshayne

    First brew!

    Transfer when it is done, not on a timeline. THIS is rule #1 you need to learn as a homebrewer. Other then that good luck and welcome to the obsession!
  13. ricshayne

    Need help designing first extract recipe

    spend the 20something bucks on Beersmith, its a great tool for recipe formulating
  14. ricshayne

    my final volume is a little low

    dude if the wedding isn't until october why not just brew another batch?
  15. ricshayne

    Help! tired of chucking beer...

    i disagree with this. Ive personally dumped many batches for simply not being up to par with the high standard i set. Why take up space, bottles etc.. for half assed beer. dumping will force you to brew again and brew better. But as others have said this is most likely an issue with you using...
  16. ricshayne

    What can I use to filter?

    I don't ever filter. just dump it in trub and all!
  17. ricshayne

    Just got a Festa Brew West Coast IPA kit today, has anyone tried it?

    so they give you pre made wort and you dry hop it? sounds ridiculous and i don't know why anyone would ever want to do this. youre not making beer you're pitching yeast. why even try? go to the store and buy some beer, its just about the same thing.
  18. ricshayne

    Hop Stand

    yes always do a hop stand with hoppy beers, FTW on that little ass cascade addition, bring that up to an oz! on a side note...That is ENTIRELY way too much crystal for an IPA, you'll want to keep that below 5%. at 20% you're going to have a cloyingly sweet beer and ditch the secondary. toss...
  19. ricshayne

    Advice for making starters

    really you can use anything that is big enough, clean enough, and food safe
  20. ricshayne

    Hops residue around the pot...

    scrape em back in, forget about all that hop bag nonsense