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  1. Deacon1856

    Need clarification re: pumps and running dry

    Awesome. That's what I figured, but I wanted to be sure. Pumps cost too much to be gambling. I appreciate the feedback.
  2. Deacon1856

    Need clarification re: pumps and running dry

    I have bought a chugger pump. I have put camlocks on the ends of said chugger pump, and it sits. It sits waiting to be used. This is what I know about the pump: 1. It moves liquids from one vessel to another. 2. DO NOT RUN IT DRY! My question is about #2. Let us say that I am...
  3. Deacon1856

    What kind of music do you listen to while brewing

    Black Crowes Pandora station. Tweaked to near perfection after months of careful tending.
  4. Deacon1856

    What's in your fermenter(s)?

    5 gallons of EdWorts Haus Pale 5 gallons Know Fire Rock clone 5 gallons of IPA (Jamils base, my hop schedule)
  5. Deacon1856

    Need feedback: Cinnamon Vanilla Oatmeal Stout

    I can tell you from experience a little vanilla extract goes a LONG way
  6. Deacon1856

    Efficiency Problems. A comedy of errors?

    Good day. I was once an avid homebrewer, and was consistently able to hit my OG without any problems. I used grain milled by BWS. I batch sparged in a cooler with a braid. It was never an issue. Fast forward 3 years of brewing inactivity. I'm back into it and have done 4 batches with a...
  7. Deacon1856

    So who's brewing this weekend?

    Brewing an IPA right now using Jamil's IPA grain bill. The hop additions are my own though. Mashing now...
  8. Deacon1856

    First brew day since 09. A comedy of errors.

    Just went out to check on the abomination I created. It really hasn't cooled. sitting at 74. I put a little computer fan in there to circulate the air. Hopefully that helps. The sides of the fridge are hot too. Hopefully I don't kill it the first night and burn my house down. SWMBO would...
  9. Deacon1856

    First brew day since 09. A comedy of errors.

    Before I had kids I brewed pretty often. I loved it. I had my technique down. I was pumping out great beer. And then THEY came along. With their needs and their diapers and their schedules. Brewing fell by the wayside. Well, SWMBO took the kids to Florida on Saturday, and that gave me the...
  10. Deacon1856

    Electric Heating Element for RIMs/eHERMS

    Thanks for the diagram. I saw the build and understand how it works, I was just wondering if the desired effect could be achieved with 1 of those units instead of two, and if the drop off in performance was significant with 1 as opposed to two. You said you'd been running the system for...
  11. Deacon1856

    Electric Heating Element for RIMs/eHERMS

    So am I understanding correctly that you are actually running 2 of these pipes concurrently to achieve that 1*/minute temperature rise? I love this idea. A lot. I just want to make sure I know exactly what's going on before I commit. Also, do you have a wiring diagram for your setup...
  12. Deacon1856

    Wanna get your mind blown?

    So far it's guessed: Omar Little, "The Wire" Odd Thomas Jackson Teller, "Sons of Anarchy" Woah.
  13. Deacon1856

    Got Dang BIBLE BELT@!

    A blog on this topic from a guy in my home state: Edge of Random: Since I Have a Soapbox...
  14. Deacon1856

    When you know you "made it" as a brewer

    I've only been brewing about 8 months, but I think the "made it" moment for me was when three separate people (on three separate occasions), who know I don't bottle, asked if I would come to their house and set up a single tap system so they could have my beer on tap. Of course all associated...
  15. Deacon1856

    Vienna/Sterling SMaSH

    Sorry for the delay's what I did: 10 lb. Vienna 1.4 qt/lb = 14 qt mash in mash at 154 Sparge; 4.7 gallons @ 175 Hops schedule: .5 oz Sterling 8.7% FWH .75 oz Sterling 8.7% @ 20 min .75 oz Sterling 8.7% @ 5 min Wirfiloc @ 15 min Notty yeast, no starter My OG was 1.044 No word on...
  16. Deacon1856

    Vienna/Sterling SMaSH

    This just went into the kegerator after a month in the chamber. One week on the gas to carbonated perfection. I gotta tell you...I didn't really know what this was going to turn out to be, but it is NICE. VERY light, very flavorful, and it HAMMERS. I didn't take a FG reading, mostly...
  17. Deacon1856

    Memorial Day Brewing.

    Might brew twice...Bells Two Hearted Clone and BierMuncher's SWMBO Slayer...
  18. Deacon1856

    Old Crow Medicine Show

    +1 on brewing music. That's what I jam.