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  1. HelperMonkey

    Cool Brewing Giveaway!

    Replied. This looks nice.
  2. HelperMonkey

    HomeBrewTalk 2012 Big Giveaway

    I'd love to win any of this great stuff.
  3. HelperMonkey - December Specials!

    I just purchased a kegerator kit from these guys and a couple of things were missing. I called them up and they got right on sending the stuff I need. EXCELLENT customer service! :mug:
  4. HelperMonkey

    Noob from East TN

    Welcome to the forums. Any good homebrew shops up in Kingsport?
  5. HelperMonkey

    Carboy/ Keg Cleaner Giveaway

    Those look handy.
  6. HelperMonkey

    Help with potty-humor concept....

    It Burns When IPA
  7. HelperMonkey

    Middle Tennessee Group Grain Buy

    Splitting grain and brewing beer. Sounds like a blast.
  8. HelperMonkey

    Middle Tennessee Group Grain Buy

    Payment has been sent.
  9. HelperMonkey

    Middle Tennessee Group Grain Buy

    add me for 2/5 of the Aromatic malt
  10. HelperMonkey

    Middle Tennessee Group Grain Buy

    Is anyone getting c-20?
  11. HelperMonkey

    Middle Tennessee Group Grain Buy

    I'm in for some splits. 1/2 sack of c-120 1/4 sack of wheat
  12. HelperMonkey

    Fermentation Temperature Controller Sanity Check

    He would also like the option of launching a missile.
  13. HelperMonkey

    The stupidest comment on your beer

    Just had a guy tell me that he thought Ed's apfelwein gave him vertigo. He gets no more homebrew.
  14. HelperMonkey

    time for pumpkin beer!

    Maybe try the gelatin thing before the secondary to see if that helps coagulate the pumpkin meat then let the beer run through a grain bag at the bottom of the bottling bucket.
  15. HelperMonkey

    How many gallons of EdWort's Apfelwein have been made?

    5 gallons here. + 16493 16498