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  1. dietz31684

    wilserbrewer BIAB bags

    I've got about 20 batches on my bag, no worse for the wear. I mashed in too early last brew and had to crank the heat for a while. I still don't understand how this stuff doesn't melt on the bottom of my kettle with the flame cranked...but it doesn't :)
  2. dietz31684

    Name a movie that best describes your last fart:

    Off topic (and what a serious topic it is!) Does your "FSR_racer" handle have to do with mountain biking? If so :mug: I love riding in the woods.
  3. dietz31684

    There are rules in life...

    thread title reminds me of big lebowski: Smokey, this is not nam. This is bowling. There are rules.
  4. dietz31684

    Name a movie that best describes your last fart:

    A river runs through it
  5. dietz31684

    New South Central Pa grain buy

    I'll stop by on Tuesday around 5:00 also.
  6. dietz31684

    Is my grain mill set right?

    I agree, that looks about perfect for BIAB.
  7. dietz31684

    Basket or no basket

    Thanks for the tip, I will do this tomorrow. I would be happy to be rid of the squeezing step. My wife will appreciate it too if the door knob into the house isn't sticky after brewing.
  8. dietz31684

    Basket or no basket

    I use one of wilserbrewer's bags and it's freakin awesome! It's so much more durable that what I though it would be when I purchased it over a year ago. The bag is still like new after 20+ batches, literally not a single small tear. I've only done up to 17#'s of grain but that's pretty heavy...
  9. dietz31684

    Motorized victoria mill question

    Same one that I use with no issues...absolutely powers through the grain with no problem. More than I can say for the cordless I tried before I bought it. I absolutely love my corona mill/drill mounted in a bucket :rockin:
  10. dietz31684

    New South Central Pa grain buy

    Okay, if they're available I'll take at least one of them.
  11. dietz31684

    New South Central Pa grain buy

    Darn, I missed out this time around. Warrior if you have any extra sacks of 2 row put up a post...
  12. dietz31684

    what efficiency do you get and what do use to get it?

    Full volume BIAB with corona mill ~75% efficiency pretty consistenly with no sparge.
  13. dietz31684

    Whiskey box ebay controller

    I got the idea from here so I figured I'd share it. I used a wiring diagram from BeardedIdiot, as seen in this post: I already planned to go with 2 - dual receptacle outlets due to the size of the box I had...
  14. dietz31684

    Weissbier Bee Cave Brewery Bavarian Hefeweizen

    This sounds exactly like my experience. Not sure what to yeast, WLP 300, wasn't ultra fresh, but wasn't expired either (5 days before expiration date). I did a 2 step starter with a stir plate and all seemed well. I am afraid to brew it again, maybe try a different yeast or try to get...
  15. dietz31684

    And the worst beer of all times award goes to...

    I voted stella, just because they try to pretend its something special. It's ****ty light beer like everything else.
  16. dietz31684

    First Trappist Ale - Any Tips?

    I just did a dubbel and fermented at room temperature (~68-70). After 3 weeks in primary I naturally carbonated/aged 3 weeks in a corny it came out amazing. Probably my best beer according to style that I have made. This was using WLP530 in a 2 liter starter, decanted to 500 ml and pitched...
  17. dietz31684

    Second fermentation in keg to get carbonation?

    I use 2oz with good success. I boil a couple ounces of water and add the dextrose to that. Then dump the sugar/water mixture into the keg, seal with CO2 and purge O2. Wait 2 weeks at room temp ~72 put in fridge and consume!
  18. dietz31684

    Will this work inplace of an Erlenmeyer flask?

    I wasn't able to open the link, but i use a coffee pot from an cheap spare 12 cup coffee maker i had laying around. works great!
  19. dietz31684

    expensive ag ?

    My LHBS has bulk extract for $1.99/lb so i dont save any money and it takes more time but I like it.
  20. dietz31684

    2012 Simcoe In Stock!

    Got em this time!!! mmmm...simcoe and amarillo Thanks for the updates and go Steelers!