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  1. AGadvocate

    Double IPA Pliny the Elder Clone

    Gravity after 8 days is 1.012 had a taste out of the test tube . Still very bitter but I definitely tastes the Pliny notes! I can't wait for the final product!
  2. AGadvocate

    Double IPA Pliny the Elder Clone

    Day 7 in primary and still bubbling away!
  3. AGadvocate

    Double IPA Pliny the Elder Clone

    I live in NY state and have never seen it around here. I did have it once when a friend brought some back from the west coast.
  4. AGadvocate

    My first infection?

    Ok thanks. I'll be kegging it this weekend! My first thought was clumps of yeast, but this has never happened to me before.
  5. AGadvocate

    My first infection?

    Kegging of course!
  6. AGadvocate

    My first infection?

    this is my DFH 90 clone that I brewed. Iw was the all grain version that I let sit for two weeks in the primary. I then racked it into my 6 1/2 carboy for dry hopping. I sanitized everything and haven't had an infection in the 100+ batches I have brewed.About one weeks after I dry hopped with...
  7. AGadvocate

    Double IPA Pliny the Elder Clone

    Brewed this today and hit all the numbers dead on. Cant wait....
  8. AGadvocate

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    Hey copyright1997 ;-) I'm brewing this tomorrow morning. I'll let the wife bake the pumpkin though! Give me a shout
  9. AGadvocate

    Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer Bourbon Vanilla Porter (AG)

    Just racked onto vanilla beans today. Mine finished out at 1.014, I hope that's not too low. I just wanna confirm the amount of bourbon to add. Is 10 oz for 5 gallons going to have a strong presence in the final product? Any feed back on how much you guys added?
  10. AGadvocate

    American IPA Bell's Two Hearted Ale Clone (close as they come)

    I brewed this Thursday night and took some footage.
  11. AGadvocate

    Saison Cottage House Saison shot a youtube vid of me trying this Cottage Saison that I brewed. Props to azscoob on this one!!
  12. AGadvocate

    BuckSnort Brown Ale

    It is a great tasting brown ale. It most likely would make a great oatmeal brown as well.
  13. AGadvocate

    BuckSnort Brown Ale Link to my brew day of this awesome recipe. 5.25 gallon batch at 75% efficiency OG 1.058 10# 2 row 8oz 90L 8oz 60L 6.5oz Choco malt 1oz Black patent .75oz Willamette 80 mins .75oz Willamette 30 mins 1.25oz Mt. Hood 15 mins .75oz Willamette 5 mins Wyeast 1056...
  14. AGadvocate

    Saison Cottage House Saison

    Do you think 1.003 is to dry? Any suggestions when I put it into secondary? Maybe I shouldnt have did a starter, lol
  15. AGadvocate

    American Pale Ale Cascades / Orange Pale Ale

    It's more of a pale ale with bite. Doesn't really resemble a wit to me.
  16. AGadvocate

    Saison Cottage House Saison

    OG was 1.065, took a gravity reading exactly 1 week from pitching yeast and it reads 1.003 lol. Wyeast 3711 is a beast. The sample tasted great for being 8% abv
  17. AGadvocate

    Saison Cottage House Saison

    5 days after Brewday and the wyeast 3711 still bubbling away!
  18. AGadvocate

    American Pale Ale Cascades / Orange Pale Ale

    It took my batch 2 weeks after kegging to mellow out. It's worth the wait :-)
  19. AGadvocate

    Saison Cottage House Saison

    I'm mashed in at 149 right now. Close enough for me ;-P
  20. AGadvocate

    Saison Cottage House Saison

    Thanks for the info:-) ive always hit my FG making starters this way but the oxygen exchange makes sense. Cheers