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  1. ladybrewer

    Red Rye PA - Feedback/Suggestions?

    Thanks for the tips! I'm actually going for a pale ale, not IPA. Any tips for a better pale ale hopping schedule or hop bill than what I have?
  2. ladybrewer

    Red Rye PA - Feedback/Suggestions?

    Thanks! Yes, I'd also read about the difference between peat-smoked malt and German rauch malt, so I think the portion I used should be good for a hint - plus, as a side note, I love rauchbier and anything smokey (ardbeg, lapsang souchong, lox). Bring it on!
  3. ladybrewer

    Red Rye PA - Feedback/Suggestions?

    I'm attempting to craft an original recipe for only the second time in 7.5 years of homebrewing (and with much more attention to detail than the first one). I'm going for a red rye pale ale with just a touch of smokiness and an earthy, spicy hop profile. Not trying to brew exactly to style...
  4. ladybrewer

    American IPA Dogfish Head 60 Minute Clone (AG) & Extract

    Brewing went well, aside from a wort chiller leak and realizing our Irish moss had turned! Currently fermenting in our basement, but it's still about 76 degrees. What effect will this have on the beer? Hard to get it cool enough in the summer without central air!
  5. ladybrewer

    American IPA Dogfish Head 60 Minute Clone (AG) & Extract

    Diving back into brewing after a couple years off and starting with this! Our only changes will be using 1 lb of crisp amber malt instead of the 6 oz of Thomas Fawcett (not carried in our local supply store), and adding some extract near the end of the boil as needed to get a better OG, since we...
  6. ladybrewer

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Punkin' Ale

    Think we may be trying our hand at this recipe for our autumn brew! How goes it for everyone else?
  7. ladybrewer

    Large Giveaway - Fermenter, Mash Paddles, Thermapen

    Username: jwalker And I'm working on those referrals!
  8. ladybrewer

    Harry Potter Butterbeer

    Yeah, mine ended up tasting more like a cinnamon/vanilla ale. Good, but not Butterbeer. None of the butterscotch schnapps came through. Maybe I'll try butterscotch extract next time?
  9. ladybrewer

    Harry Potter Butterbeer

    Adding lactose, priming sugar, and more schnapps today, and bottling 'er up!!
  10. ladybrewer

    Harry Potter Butterbeer

    Just racked to secondary . . . the color is a gorgeous, rich deep orange and so far the aroma and taste are very good. I added a couple ounces of butterscotch schnapps, and two vanilla beans that I had sliced, scooped and chopped, and soaked in vanilla vodka overnight.
  11. ladybrewer

    Harry Potter Butterbeer

    My butterbeer is bubbling away and has a good cinnamon taste that should blend well with the butterscotch. Yum!
  12. ladybrewer

    Harry Potter Butterbeer

    No hard feelings. :mug: In the end, this is the actual recipe (because of what we had on hand and what we couldn’t find in the brewing supply store - and also because I didn't understand our new scale and read 1.5 as a pound and a half, not a pound and 5 oz . . . hence why I have some .7...
  13. ladybrewer

    Harry Potter Butterbeer

    Hegh - I appreciate the help, but you don't need to be so harsh. I'm a beginner brewer and this is my first recipe, so be kind.
  14. ladybrewer

    Harry Potter Butterbeer

    ScottyC - that's very helpful, thanks! I may edit my grain selection slightly. I think I want a little bit of a warm and toasty flavor, but I may have too much at this point. Maybe 2.5 lbs honey and 1 lb munich? Also, how much wheat would I need to add to give it just a little bit of cloudiness?
  15. ladybrewer

    Harry Potter Butterbeer

    Glad I found this thread! This recipe is still in progress and I'm working out all the details, but how is this looking for my Butterbeer? What color do you think it will be? It's my first recipe, constructed from scratch! Grains: 8lbs Pale Malt 2 lbs Munich Malt 1.5 lbs Crystal Malt 60 1.5...
  16. ladybrewer

    Lactose or Maltodextrin?

    I'm inventing my own Butterbeer recipe. :)
  17. ladybrewer

    Butterscotch Flavoring

    Hey, all - if I add butterscotch extract when bottling, will the sugars create bottle bombs?
  18. ladybrewer

    Lactose or Maltodextrin?

    Can I use both? Is it better to add them during the boil as well as at bottling, or just at bottling?
  19. ladybrewer

    Hops for Sweet Beer?

    So how do you hop to about 10-15IBU? How much hops and when would you use them during the boil? Thanks!
  20. ladybrewer

    Hops for Sweet Beer?

    I liked the descriptions of these in Beersmith: · Goldings · Crystal · Chinnook · Liberty · Tettnang · Warrior Any of those sound good? What kind of combinations would you recommend, and how much bittering vs. aroma? No aroma at all?