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  1. Oleary


    Just picked up a GF and getting ready for my first brew tomorrow or Monday. Does this look ok? Fine enough? I'm using a Barley Crusher at about .045 (the factory setting). Thanks in advance for any help or advice.
  2. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    I'm not sure this is related to your foaming issue, but PBW and StarSan are not interchangeable. You need to clean your equipment with something like PBW and then sanitize it with something like StarSan. You want to clean everything pre-boil and then sanitize anything that touches the wort...
  3. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    The ABV doesn't rely on you hitting the right OG (it's just the difference between the actual OG and the actual FG). If you know the actual OG (refractometer, tilt, etc) you can find the expected FG. I have a feeling we're talking about the same thing and I'm just missing the point.
  4. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    A few of the packs list the OG/FG (Annie's London Ale for one) on the labels but if not I use the ABV to give me a target FG. Not very accurate since you don't know if you hit their numbers, but if ABV is close, I 'assume' I came close to their numbers.
  5. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    I currently use a corona mill for the rare BIAB batch. Any guesses on whether that might work with the new Z's? My understanding is it (the Z) will work more like a C/S/Pro (changed the arm out)?
  6. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    I haven't tried one week, but my first few batches were at about 2.5 weeks (2 in primary, .5 carb). Too green even then. I can't imagine what it would taste like after 7 days. Might be an interesting test though. Bottle and open one a week to see/taste the changes.
  7. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    Yes. Thanks.
  8. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    I had that happen a couple of brews ago. Didn't think to click on the brew list though. Somewhat related, anyone know what happened to the app? I thought I heard it had been submitted to Apple for approval?
  9. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    I have the S, but purchased the pro upgrade (a keg, 2 transfer tubes and a regulator, iirc) during the C kickstarter. I didn't ask about limits. You might send an e-mail to sales@.
  10. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    Thanks! That linked worked for me also. Sent an e-mail to sales@. They took care of upgrading me to a Z2 and the trade in.
  11. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    I asked the question prior to pre-ordering and was told they didn't have a program in place for it. Can you post it (the offer)? If it's out there, it should be for everyone.
  12. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    Has anyone brewed the Buffalo Sweat? I think it might be stuck? My OG was .061. Target FG should be around .023. It's been stuck at .028/9 for 5 or 6 days now. AA is 54%. Re-pitch? Here's the tilt info if that helps anyone. Edit: yeast: 1 teaspoon of S-04. I used the same packet on a Max Nix...
  13. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    PBW is what I use to clean everything brew related. A good soak will usually clean anything although fermenters often need a scrub also.
  14. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    I asked that question in my reply along with a time frame on when they'll make the decision. If they would take the S as a trade-in, I'd upgrade in a heartbeat. I was going to follow Ewelady's suggestion and brew one batch in the S and one in the Z1. I don't really need 3 brewing vessels at...
  15. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    FYI for those of us who purchased the Z1. There may be an extra cost to upgrading to the Z2+. Leaning toward the Z2 just to avoid the hassle...
  16. Oleary

    Picobrew Z

    I finally received my response about the upgrade (same answer Macgyuver received with a bit more information): Leaning toward getting the Z2 just to avoid the hassle..
  17. Oleary

    Picobrew Z

    Hmm, I asked info@ and was told it was upgradable. I'm at work, but I'll reply to their message when I get home. I don't see me upgrading in the near future, but definitely want the capability.
  18. Oleary

    Picobrew Z

    You can. I asked the question to their info e-mail ([email protected]). Here's more information from the pico brew thread: Here are some things that have been confirmed... by the peeps at PicoBrew... You can brew different brews at the same time. 4 different 2.5 batches on the Z4 It is...
  19. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    They confirmed we can use the small kegs. I couldn't think of reason either, but just wanted to be sure. edit: They also confirmed the 2.5 is upgradable. I was afraid the 110 to 240 might prevent it.
  20. Oleary

    PicoBrew Pico users

    What size did you get? I'm on the fence but if I can reuse the 1.75 gallon kegs for smaller batches/paks, I'll probably pull the trigger.