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  1. J

    Water Profiles Low Mash pH

    Nice. I appreciate the feedback from you and @ScrewyBrewer.
  2. J

    Water Profiles Low Mash pH

    I missed the second half of your question: BF calculates the salts needed for mash and sparge. I have been adding mash salts when the HLT is coming up to strike temp. I add my measured sparge during mashout and run off to boil. I think you might on to something, i might try to dose the salts...
  3. J

    Water Profiles Low Mash pH

    I missed the second half of your question: BF calculates the salts needed for mash and sparge. I have been adding mash salts when the HLT is coming up to strike temp. I add my measured sparge during mashout and run off to boil. I think you might on to something, i might try to dose the...
  4. J

    Water Profiles Low Mash pH

    I use a (calibrated on every brew day) Milwaukee MW 600 pH meter
  5. J

    Water Profiles Low Mash pH

    I use a (calibrated on every brew day) Milwaukee MW 600 pH meter
  6. J

    Water Profiles Low Mash pH

    I normally find that my beer is "brighter," or colder tasting when i target a mash pH around 5.1-5.3
  7. J

    Water Profiles Low Mash pH

    @cire, thanks. If time and as brew day allows, i try and check the pH both during mash, sparge and during boil. I add calcium and other salts to match the target water profile. I feel like my salt additions are off in the calculator if the software is suggesting that based on my salt...
  8. J

    Water Profiles Low Mash pH

    I use Brewfather (BF) for building and tracking recipes on brew day and during fermentation. I have entered my water profile, which is tested RO water with zero minerals. Based on the water profile, BF consistently suggests that I need to add upwards of 6 ml lactic acid (depending on the grain...