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  1. C

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    Weirdest thing: I restarted my computer with the board attached and it worked perfectly. So strange, but whatever, it's up and running!
  2. C

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    I just sat down with my new ESP32 TTGO and tried flashing it with TiltBridge. Unfortunately, every time I try to do so, I get the error in the screen shot attached. Any thoughts?
  3. C

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    I just ordered the one you linked to. We'll see what happens. THANKS! Jay
  4. C

    TiltBridge - Tilt-to-WiFi Device for Tilt Hydrometer

    I bought myself a LILYGO ESP32 T-Display Module for Arduino Development Board TTGO LCD Wi-Fi BLE CH9102F Chip that worked great for one lager fermentation. I left it plugged in far a week or two after fermentation was done and, when I finally went to unplug it, I noticed the display wasn't...
  5. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    That's almost exactly it! Rather than having it doubled over on itself, mine is flat - it was easier for me to solder that way and also tucks up under the tabletop nicely. I will dig into my BrewSmith settings when I get a chance. I noticed this thread from years ago and it sounds similar to...
  6. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    Oops, I corrected that - my counterflow chiller is made from four pieces of copper tube, each one 5' long. There are three short pieces of silicone hose that connect the copper tubes. This is mounted flat underneath my brew table. It is connected to a pump that draws wort from the bottom corner...
  7. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    Also, the yeast I used is SafAle BE-256.
  8. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    Yes, "what's left" is wort. I whirlpool at the end of the boil and try not to get greedy when pulling the wort out of the boil kettle so I don't get a lot of crap in the fermenter. My counterflow chiller is 20' long plus the hoses that connect the pump to the chiller and the chiller to the...
  9. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    I calculated the pre-boil volume needed based on how much gets left behind in the brew kettle, my counterflow chiller, and my fermenter so that Im guaranteed to have plenty to fill a 5 gallon keg (I'm greedy and want it full LOL). According to BeerSmith, my pre-boil gravity should have been...
  10. C

    8 gallon boil over in a 15 gallon kettle with Fermcap

    Update: I followed the advice you folks suggested and I have NEVER had a better boil! As soon as the wort started to boil, I backed off on the power percentage and let it boil for about 5 minutes before putting the lid with Steam Slayer on. I then knocked the power down to about 30% and enjoyed...
  11. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    I guess knowing the recipe might help. I'm attempting to brew Revvy's Leffe clone. I used BeerSmith to adjust the recipe for my equipment. The results of the adjustments are as follows: 10 lbs. 12.5 oz. Pilsner (81.6%) 1 lb. 1.6 oz. Munich Malt (8.3%) 5.8 oz. Biscuit Malt (2.8%) 3.9 oz...
  12. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    I'm using a 15 gallon stainless steel pot, cycling the wort through a HERMS coil for the duration of the mash. The HERMS coil is mounted in another 15 gallon pot that I kept at a constant temperature (3 degrees warmer than the desired mash temperature) on the second brew attempt.
  13. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    Here’s a quick update for anyone following along (also, thanks for all the tips and insight): Saturday’s brew day really went well in retrospect. I had fermentation activity by early evening (maybe 6hours after pitching) and darn good fermentation up until yesterday morning. When I got home...
  14. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    I definitely think this was the issue with my first batch. It was fermenting a long with no problem at all when it just hit a wall at 1.022 and stopped dead. I figured I had gotten a bunch of unfermentable sugars from my high mash temp. It's going to be interesting to see where today's batch...
  15. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    My grain is... well... a little old. It's probably about two and a half years old at this point; maybe even three. I bought a sack and put it in a Vittles Vault, expecting to use it in rather short order. Then we moved. I had my doubts about it, but it looked, smelled, and tasted fine, so I...
  16. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    I haven't changed my mill settings at all - same crush as I was doing before.
  17. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    That's what's so surprising, my initial mash temp was about 155⁰ today. The last time around, it was well over that for the duration of the mash - strike at 178⁰ and the mash stayed between 165⁰ and 175⁰ and I ended up with an O.G. better than today's brew. Could the age of my grain have...
  18. C

    I've missed my numbers twice in a row... Why?

    It's been about two years since I brewed last and I finally got my 3V HERMS set back up after a move. I brewed three weeks ago and it went very poorly. I overshot my mash temperature by 20⁰, had a boilover, and ended up with a really sad end product after a week's worth of fermentation. The O.G...
  19. C

    8 gallon boil over in a 15 gallon kettle with Fermcap

    I will sheepishly admit that I read the instructions for the Steam Slayer before I bought one, and forgot everything I read. I'll do better next time. I've been so afraid of losing the boil that I've been trying not to reduce the power of the element too much. I've been trying to use...
  20. C

    8 gallon boil over in a 15 gallon kettle with Fermcap

    Thanks for the tips! This was the first time with the lid/Steam Slayer and I noticed a huge difference in power percentage needed to keep a boil. Without a lid, 70% seemed pretty good, but I was able to knock it back to 50% and it was still a pretty aggressive boil. I did have it in automatic...