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    brewing for a wedding

    I plan to get there a couple days ahead of time and will deliver kegs to reception site at that time.
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    brewing for a wedding

    Yes, disassembled entire system and soaked in Brew Clean. Standard tap.
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    brewing for a wedding

    1. If it has to be cold to carbonate, i don't have enought fridge space to do them all at once. Can I carbonate at serving temp, bring it back to room temp to make room for other kegs, then chill all before serving? 5. 38*, 5 days ago, about 3', very clean (cleaned with brew clean between kegs)
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    brewing for a wedding

    I'm brewing 40 gal. of homebrew for my brother-in-laws wedding in July. Kegging and carbonation will happen at around 1200 feet. Wedding is at around sea level and several hundred miles away. Due to number of kegs I will have to force carbonate at room temp <70*. I plan on building a big ice...
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    different poppets

    I bought some used kegs and took them apart to start cleaning them. The poppets were different (see pic). The one on the left with the skinnier rubber part was in the outlet, and the one on the right was in the gas inlet. The new poppets I bought to replace these all look like the the one...
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    TSP on borosilicate?

    I've used TSP to clean mystery gunk from second hand glass carboys before with great success . . . anyone know if it's okay to use on borosilicate flasks?
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    coffee grounds in secondary?

    Sorry for delay in posting results. I became a father on 10/07 and haven't been back since! I planned on adding 6 oz. of grounds to secondary. But I only managed to squeeze about 4 oz. into the carboy before it was full. And I had planned on only 24 hours exposure but the coffee addition...
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    coffee grounds in secondary?

    You have a deal! I'll do 6 oz. for 24 hours. Just brewed today so it'll be a few weeks before I can report results.
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    coffee grounds in secondary?

    Okay, I know there are a lot of threads addressing the addition of coffee to beer. But most (or all) that I can find recommend adding brewed coffee/espresso to the secondary. Has anyone skipped the brewing and just added grounds directly to the secondary? How much and how long? I'd prefer...
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    breakfast stout?

    Anyone got a good AG breakfast stout recipe? Want something with low ABV and a lot of body. Thanks!
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    New Belgium "Springboard" Clone?

    I have had one. Bought a whole six pack and didn't really care for it. Couldn't let it go to waste, of course . . . that would be alcohol abuse. Given that it's a new beer I could say with almost 100% certainty that there are no clone "kits" out there. Doesn't mean you couldn't attempt to...
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    Beer in primary 5 weeks- yes or no

    Depends on who you ask. I'm sure there are a number of brewers on this forum who would tell you not to worry about it. But if it was my beer I'd rack it. I'd rather have it sitting in secondary for an extra three weeks than sitting on the trub/yeast for three weeks.
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    Iodophor explosiong . . . silver lining

    Yeah, stains galore. But fortunately it's a room that we haven't updated yet so there's no loss. Beautiful red asbestos tiles on the floor and an 80's style paint job on the walls where someone had fun flinging paint against the walls. Ha ha - I made the same mistake with an imperial stout...
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    Keggles - Bulkheads vs IC's

    You're right - probably not absolutely necessary for AG. But I do use mine. Sometimes if my burner is too low the temp will settle at somewhere below 212* (boiling) yet still appear to be "boiling" with bubbles coming up. If my burner is too high it'll boil over. With a thermometer I can...
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    Man, I love Apfelwein

    Okay, sorry if this is a duplicate question . . . tried a couple searches and couldn't come up with anything useful. I just mixed up my first batch of apfelwein. I shook the hell out of my jugs that had sugar in them and they appeared to be completely dissolved when I dumped them into the...
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    krausen slow to fully drop?

    Yep, I'v experienced the same thing with wheat beers and I think that WLP300 also has something to do with it. I made a wheat beer a couple months ago and split the batch between two different yeast strains just for S&G's. The one with the WLP300 had a krausen that lasted much longer than the...
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    The Noise Woke Me Up....

    I woke up one night when the lid actually DID blow off my bucket of imperial stout. That sucker went all the way to the ceiling. Scared the hell outta me. That was about 2.5 years ago and every once in a while I'll still come across a bit of imperial stout somewhere in that room.
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    Labor Day Weekend 2008 - What's in Your Kettle???

    Huckleberry blonde . . . with fresh Tollgate huckleberries. Mmmmmmmm . . . Also going to mix up some of Edwort's apfelwein (sp?) this afternoon. First time.
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    Kettle False Bottom with All Pellets?

    I've never found any single solution that works well. So I use hop bags, a false bottom, and a bazooka T under the false bottom. That's still not 100% . . . with pellets there's always some particles that get through. But it works pretty well.
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    Dusty Bottles?

    Depends on your dust situation I think. If it's just loose on there - like recently collected dust - I think you could get away with rinsing. But I have some dusty bottles that have sat in my garage for extended periods and with changes in humidity across seasons the dust will start to kind of...