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  1. O

    Bottle conditioning in a growler?

    Know this has prob been discussed before--but-- can you bottle condition beer in a 1/2 gal growler? Will the screw-on caps with stand the presure? Any body tried this? thanks, jm
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    improving head. How?

    Hey, I'm an extract/flavoring grain brewer and after 18 months of trying at least a dozen different styles I've 'bout settled on a "go to" kit. I brew every other weekend, brewing "American Ale" from More Beer once a month. I LIKE this beer. What I'm needin' to know is how can I improve the head...
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    swing top bottle???????

    Hey, Haven't been here for a while. Got a swing top ??? Got some swing tops and they worked fine, the first time. I didn't change the gaskets for the second use and about 1/2 didn't seal well- flat beer! yuk! Just added a couple of Cooper tabs, changed the gaskets and the beer was fine after...
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    DME "to boil, or not to boil. THAT is the question!

    My first batch (120+ gals ago) was a Coopers extract. The guy at the brew shop advised that I forgo the dry ingredients and use DME.(1kg) I did and it was fine. I just heated enough water to disolve the malt, added the can of hopped ex. and walla! out came drinkable beer. All that to say this...
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    checking homebrew on plane?

    I was not aware that the aluminum Bud bottles were re-capable. Will a hand held capper do the trick??
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    apfelwien ABV% adjustment

    Hey, I'm wanting to try some apfelwien. Seems as though everyone adds 2 lb of some form of fermentable, corn sugar or brown sugar. They report the ABV at around 8+%. I'm not wanting it that strong. So if I were to forgo the sugar will that ruin the taste? Anyone? thanks jm primary MoreBeer...
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    Raisaination-To sanitize or not to sanitize, THIS is the question!

    Got a MoreBeer Raisination Sour Ale kit for Christmas. Been looking at previous posts about adding fruit. I'm gonna put it in the primary as I have generally stopped doing secondaries. The fermentation has slowed. What I am still iffy about is do I just chop the raisins a bit and dump them in...
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    Alternative to Coopers

    you might check out for wide selection, good prices and freshness. I've had good luck with them.
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    low OG??????

    bad sample, thanks
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    low OG??????

    oh, 8lbs light LME + 1lb turbinado? yes 5 gal total
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    low OG??????

    I did not stir but I doo really slosh in the water (to get some extra o2), pouring it from milk jugs---I use well water from my farm and have no more with me now, I seem to remember cking it a few months ago and it was 1.000 but will ck again when I get home. I went ahead and pitched and...
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    low OG??????

    just cooked up a Christmas gift, MoreBeer extract Rasination (Lambic). the info had OG estimated at1.060-1.065. I'm getting 1.040. Why would that be? I followed the instructions using all of the fermentables.
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    Forgetting Priming Sugar before bottling

    2 cubes = 1 teaspoon--- per 12oz
  14. O

    Good first time extract?

    Coopers kits, as far as ease are hard to beat. A can of thier pre-hopped extract, kilo of dme, no boil, just heat a little water, melt the dme, dump it in your bucket, top it off, (70-80 degrees) sprinkle on the yeast, and thats it. Makes darn good beer for the little trouble. I've moved to...
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    Priming Sugar Question

    I've ordered several MoreBeer kits and they all came with 4oz of priming sugar. To me that is not quite enough so I add another 1.5 oz DME. (it's what I have lying around) jm
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    Sanitize in bathtub

    Before I got a pump and tree all I did was use starsan and a funnel. I would nearly fill my first bottle and using a small funnel I would fill, shake, then move it to the next, etc. etc.
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    Brewing belgian kit beer

    I have a Belgian in my secondary. Got the kit from More Beer. 7lb LME 8oz corn sugar(drying) 4oz Caramunich/4oz Special B/8oz Carapils--1oz Perle bittering--1oz Mt Hood aroma dry yeast Safale s-33 Whirlfloc(to clear) My Og was 1.054, seems to be settling around 1.016 I've sipped a little when I...
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    Should I be concerned (foam coming through airlock)

    Happened to me w/ a Coopers Real Ale extract. Didn't use Coopers fermentables, used 1kg DME instead. All that foam did look narley! I just put the bucket in the bath tub. It stopped in about a day, wiped down the bucket, put it back on the table I brew on as it gently bubbled for a couple-a-more...
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    I'm fed up with bottling!

    I'm pretty new at this, 55 gals brewed so far. Thing about kegs is how many kegs does one generally have? I really like having a wide range of beers to chose from. Right now I have a choice of a BB Red, Coopers Lager, Dark, Real Ale, MB Kolch, with MB Irish, MB Christmas racked and MB Belgien...
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    Dis stuff don't taste so good

    sorry, How fast is fast enough to get a good cold break. I use an ice water bath, cools it in just a few minutes. I found a 50 coil of 3/8 copper in my store room and plan to put together wort cooler this week end also. jm