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  1. S

    WLP 099 Barley Wine

    All single colony isolates of WLP099 I have tested are STA- and unable to use maltotriose. We've also whole-genome sequenced one such colony, and the strain is a POF-, STA- wine strain. I have never tested extracting DNA directly from a WLP099 package and testing for STA1 by PCR. Since people...
  2. S

    From the lab - family tree of White Labs yeast

    Yeah I saw this earlier today, very cool! Will see what I can do, don't have that much extra time at the moment and that is quite a lot of data :)
  3. S

    WLP740 Merlot Red Wine Yeast - Diastatic Wine Yeast?

    Never tried it, but one of the White Labs wine strains included in this study (Domestication and Divergence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Beer Yeasts - PubMed) contains the STA1 gene (A deletion in the STA1 promoter determines maltotriose and starch utilization in STA1+ Saccharomyces cerevisiae...
  4. S

    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    I haven't tested very many no. I do have a load of White Labs (including WLP540) and Fermentis strains in the -80 freezer though, so can try to test them at some point when I have time later this spring. Currently out of office on parental leave.
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    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    Yes, very unlikely that strains in a blend would cross-mate and a hybrid would take over the population in a can. Especially since we are talking about brewing yeast, which are quite challenging to breed with as they are sterile (i.e. do not form viable spores) and polyploid. However, if one...
  6. S

    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    They've inactivated one of the genes required for the POF phenotype with CRISPR/Cas9 editing. In theory it could be done at home, but in practice it requires some lab equipment and experience (e.g. confirming a successful modification). Genetic engineering in yeast nowadays is super easy. Hoping...
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    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    As Northern Brewer says, and I mentioned a few pages back, do we know for sure they use dry yeasts? If yes, then one can be quite confident the 'S04-like' isolate is S04, as I'm not sure there are that many other Beer 1 - UK dried strains. If liquid yeasts are an option, you'll see that most...
  8. S

    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    Did some interdelta fingerprints (delta12/delta21 and Phusion polymerase) of some Escarpment and White Labs strains at work today. I'm not sure if they are of any help in IDing the strains . One observation is that the fingerprints of WB06, WLP570 and WLP644 are identical (and genome data...
  9. S

    From the lab - family tree of White Labs yeast

    The Dunham Lab tree, looking at only strains in a specific group and with high quality sequence data, is definitely more accurate than the my big tree!
  10. S

    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    A potentially relevant poster abstract at this year's WBC: "Can we rescue Beer infected with Diastaticus during fermentation: A profile in killer yeast and the effect of co-fermentation on the superattenuative characteristics of diastaticus."...
  11. S

    Pentainedione question.

    I'd say it's quite unlikely your problem is 2,3-pentanedione. Diacetyl (2,3-butanedione) and 2,3-pentanedione are formed as byproducts of the same amino acid synthesis pathway. Typically a fermentation will produce similar amounts of both compounds, and these are also removed from the wort/beer...
  12. S

    Conan x WLP644 hybrid

    I haven't tested long term stability, but the hybrid is likely to be less stable than the parent strains. Hybrids within a species (e.g. here between two S. cerevisiae strains) are often more stable than hybrids between species). However, as the hybrid is probably hexaploid (from the tetraploid...
  13. S

    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    WB-06 has the deletion in the STA1 promoter, so STA1 is not expressed very actively. It can still ferment dextrins, but it happens very slowly.
  14. S

    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    WB-06 is STA1+, but it has a deletion in the STA1 promoter. This deletion is common in many of the STA1+ strains (which is probably why many went unnoticed for such a long time). This significantly reduces the activity of STA1 (see our recent paper...
  15. S

    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    If someone has the TH isolates left, and an extra 125 USD per strain, then I recommend the whole genome sequencing route. MiGS does 625 Mb Illumina sequencing (50x coverage for yeast) for 125 USD. I'd be happy to do the analysis and figure out the closest...
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    Interesting genome sequencing of some yeasts

    I left out a couple of strains in the newest update because they were sequenced to a very low coverage and with quite short reads. In practice, this means the quality was quite bad and results could therefore be unreliable. If I remember correctly, BRY-97 was one of these strains. It's in the...
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    Interesting genome sequencing of some yeasts

    It's a lager strain from a Finnish brewery. It is quite similar to W34/70. The 63 in the beginning of the code means it came to VTT's culture collection in 1963.
  18. S

    Lallemand London ESB FG at 1.036?

    London ESB is unable to use maltotriose. So a standard 1.060 wort with high mash temp is expected to finish around 1.020-1.025. Add in the fact that you also have lactose and maltodextrin in the wort, the high FG is not a surprise.
  19. S

    Interesting genome sequencing of some yeasts

    WLP515 is assigned as a lager yeast in both the recent lager genomics studies where it was independently sequenced ( and ), and that I took the data from; and deemed to be POF- in the Verstrepen...
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    Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize?

    The S-33 that was sequenced in the recent Langdon et al. study at least has homozygous nonsense mutations in both PAD1 and FDC1. In simpler terms, this means that all copies of the two genes required for the formation of phenolic off-flavours have mutations in them that makes them...