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  1. K

    Importance of pH for BIAB

    No worries, ask away. I know some of these folks will be able to clear up what you are looking for. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
  2. K

    California Common California Common- HBT Comp winner 1st place

    Heard from a couple folks that they subbed Cascade for N. Brewer. If brewed already, which one did you use and how did it turn out? Just brewed this BIAB, and was just above the OG mark, and hit 1.058. Will look forward to this final results in a couple weeks. :mug:
  3. K

    Importance of pH for BIAB

    Was researching the importance of obtaining a pH of 5.2-5.4 for AG brewing, and how to effectively reach this level. Since I wanted to get into BIAB, is the importance still there if brewing non Stouts and Porters? Just curious as I haven't seen any threads on this. Thanks for any input! :mug:
  4. K

    Specialty Fruit Beer Orange Honey American Wheat

    Apologies for the bump, but have this in my fermenter now. Went for the BIAB technique, and hopefully works out well. Thanks for the recipee!
  5. K

    How did you find us?

    Found HBT threw the interwebs and excited to get going. If you all have any tips, send 'em. Cheers :mug: Kevin W.