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  1. K

    Caramel Apple Cider

    Has anyone tried this with US-04? If so, how did it turn out?
  2. K

    Pumpkin cider recipe

    Still quite hot so it's hard to make the flavors out, but the ginger is coming off a bit strong. It also is quite dry at the moment, so I will need to backsweeten. I'll come back in a month and let you know, but if the taste now is any indication, I would try a different spice blend.
  3. K

    Pumpkin cider recipe

    Sorry, I haven't been on in a while. I got a late start on this and I just secondaried onto all pumpkin and spices a couple weeks ago. I'll Test it when I get off work and give you an update.
  4. K

    Raising temperature after bottling

    Ah, well, lesson learned. I should be better equipped for it next time though. Thank you for the quick reply!
  5. K

    Raising temperature after bottling

    Hi everyone, I recently brewed a saison, though do to lack of temperature control, never really made over 70 degrees. It's now bottled and primed. if I wear to heat the bottles up with n aquarium heater, would I reap any benefits from that, as far as providing a more estery taste?
  6. K

    Pumpkin cider recipe

    So I'll cut out the honey. Would you add the allspice in proportionate amounts to everything else? 1 oz? I just want to be sure I'm not over spicing the cider.
  7. K

    Pumpkin cider recipe

    So, I've started a 3 gallon batch of cider with US-04. I'm getting ready to rack to a secondary, but I've not yet perfected a spice mix to go with. Here's what I've been thinking: 2 cans of pumpkin, roasted. 2 cinnamon sticks. .5oz fresh ginger, sliced 1 clove 1 oz nutmeg 1 vanilla bean...
  8. K

    Question on aging

    Sorry for the wait, I'm trying to do this while on the clock, hence the impeccable grammar. As far as what I meant by clean up, I was talking about off flavors, hot alcohols, etc. The reason I was assuming the yeast was necessary for aging, is because in John Palmer's book, he states that...
  9. K

    Question on aging

    This question may seem obvious, But I understand that the yeast does most of the cleaning up in beers and meads. So, If I was to sorbate or pasteurize, my mead, would I gain in benefit from ageing?
  10. K

    Pumpkin Cyser

    This sounds fantastic. On some other threads, I've read that people roast the pumpkin before adding it. Have you tried that with this recipe?
  11. K

    Weissbier Orange Honey Hefeweizen

    Thanks for the tip, I will give that a try!
  12. K

    Weissbier Orange Honey Hefeweizen

    I've always been on the fence about using vodka in my beers. Would it impart any taste, especially when using a dirt cheap vodka?
  13. K

    Coffee Vanilla Pyment

    Do you think it would be ok to just leave the grapes out, or are they necessary in some way?
  14. K

    Honey beer?

    Honestly, we have thrown together a gallon of plain mead (using good honey) and had the entire thing gone by 2 months. You age it to make it good. I know you are just starting with brewing, but at least here, it's not cheap to come by 15 gallons of honey. Use it for mead. You don't need 15# of...
  15. K

    Raspberry Jalepeno Melomel

    What I'm shooting for is a nice spicy jalepeno flavor with less emphasis on the heat. I think I'll stick to the 9 and try to find some bigger jalepenos, (As I understand it, they tend to be milder.) At any rate, I have some time to mull it over before I add them. Any thoughts on the amount of...
  16. K

    Raspberry Jalepeno Melomel

    I though it seemed a bit high myself, but I wanted to make sure the jalepeno didn't get drowned out by the raspberry. I've never brewed with any kind of pepper before. Does 5-6 seem more accurate?
  17. K

    Raspberry Jalepeno Melomel

    Hi, this would be my first post on here. I have tried my hand at a few different meads, though this would be my first melomel. I plan on using 6 lbs of honey and half a cup of black tea for a 3 gal batch with D47, then adding 4.5 lbs of raspberries and 9 jalepenoes to the secondary. Do these...