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  1. D

    Very High OG!!

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I guess my terminology was wrong. I always considered first running to be right after the boil. I pitched another package of S-05 last night. There is activity this morning and the SG has dropped to 1.079. Just to be clear, my problem was not with measuring the...
  2. D

    Very High OG!!

    standard (for me) 5 gallon batch. Approximately 5.5 G in the 7.5 fermenter.
  3. D

    Very High OG!!

    I did not measure the gravity prior to the boil. The first running gravity right after the boil was 1.035. After adding the DME it was up to 1.045. I do have another package of S-05 on hand. I will give it until the end of the day and repitch if there is still no activity.
  4. D

    Very High OG!!

    I did a BIAB Pale with some West coast hop IPA flavors yesterday. I am rather new to BIABing. This is my 5th batch. First off, I messed up by not accounting for temperature when I measured my first running. Gravity was low (or so I though) so I added some DME after flame out to give it a boost...
  5. D

    Hard Seltzer Fail

    Update. After re-pitching the EC-1118 with nutrients the fermentation took off again and after 5 days the SG was down around 1.000. I then pitched in some Super Kleer. Still a bit yeasty smelling but tastes pretty clean. Going to force carbonate it tonight. For beer, I usually set the regulator...
  6. D

    Hard Seltzer Fail

    Thanks for the input folks. I did find some EC-1118 so I am going to re-pitch with nutrients and see where it leads. Next time I'll try the Kveik and Propper.
  7. D

    Hard Seltzer Fail

    Thanks Vlad. Yes. Temp at pitching was ~75 and it stayed in that range the entire time. I have some Safale S-05 on hand. Can I use that or should I get more EC-1118?
  8. D

    Hard Seltzer Fail

    Kit came from NB. 4 Lbs of corn sugar. Lavlin EC-1118 Dry Yeast. Added yeast nutrient supplied with the kit in three batches @ 24, 48 & 72 hrs. Fermentation was noticeable after 48 hrs but not very vigorous.
  9. D

    Hard Seltzer Fail

    My first attempt at brewing a hard seltzer and I have issues. After two weeks of primary fermenting the SG appears stable but very weak. OG was 1.035. SG is stable at 1.014 and the batch smells very yeasty. Also appears cloudy so I think there is still yeast in suspension. Any suggestions on how...
  10. D

    Corny Keg Damaged Threads

    the posts are identical and 5/8"-11 was the closed tap I had so I am guessing 19/32"-18. Now to find the die... Thanks!
  11. D

    Corny Keg Damaged Threads

    I have a ball-lock corny keg that has damaged threads on one of the ports. I can no longer screw the ball-lock connector on without it cross threading. I looked for a cutting die to try to straighten the threads but can't find one the right size?? Any ideas?
  12. D

    Dead Yeast?

    I brewed a batch of brown ale yesterday using White Labs WL002. I made a starter the day before as always but did not see any activity in the starter after 6 hours. I thought temp might be a problem since the room temp was ~65 and the yeast instructions said 70 or higher is best. To heat the...
  13. D

    No Activity at 24 hrs

    I am happy (and relieved) to report that I awoke yesterday to my airlock happily bubbling away. 48 hrs in IT IS ALIVE! Now the waiting game begins. 2 weeks primary - 3 weeks secondary... Thanks again for all the great advice! :rockin:
  14. D

    No Activity at 24 hrs

    Thanks for all the great feedback! One thing I've learned brewing is that you can't rush. Most threads I saw on HBT had fermentation being slow but working. I didn't see a thread that actually addressed if re-pitching was feasible. I wasn't sure this could be done to save the brew. I will wait...
  15. D

    No Activity at 24 hrs

    I brewed up a batch of pale ale using Safale S-05. I always make a quick starter when rehydrating dry yeast; 1 cup of tepid water with 2 tablespoons of honey. I pitch the yeast into the starter during the boil and by the time I pitch it into the wort there is nice activity in the starter. I...
  16. D

    Post your "Untappd" user name!

    Dave A A very cool app! Tie it in with foursquare and twitter!
  17. D

    Late DME Addition

    I'm brewing up a batch of Mango Pale Ale this weekend. In the base recipe, I use a late malt addition of LME at flame out. However, I have some extra DME on hand. Can you do a late malt addition with DME? When I brew with DME I find it needs to boil to completely dissolve so I'm concerned...
  18. D

    Sweet Stout Deception Cream Stout

    I am enjoying a batch of this now bottled 5 weeks ago. I added 4oz of bakers chocolate at flame out. It tastes outstandingly similar to Youngs Double Chocolate. Enjoy!
  19. D

    Sweet Stout Deception Cream Stout

    Cracked a bottle last night to celebrate the PATS dismantling the Texans. 2 weeks bottle conditioning and it tastes awesome! I added some bakers chocolate at flame out to get more chocolate finish this time. Yum!
  20. D

    OG Consistently Low

    I should have said "sometimes" tweak the recipes. The first time I try them, I do follow them to the letter, and still notice variances in OG. The tweaks are nothing radical like adding pounds of malt. I didn't think adding 4 oz of grain to the grain bill would have an adverse affect. A few...