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  1. R

    Bray's One Month Mead

    Kegging this today. Push with nitrogen so I don't make a sparkling mead. High OG and super low FG. SNA timing per BOMM schedule with nutrient mass calculated to match the higher honey in the must. I think this is my 8th 5gal batch of BOMM. The previous two batches got infected by fruit flies...
  2. R

    Contaminated Fermaid?

    Yea, 500g bag of K and 1lb bag of O
  3. R

    Contaminated Fermaid?

    The most recent two batches of BOMM mead I have made have come out slightly sour. I think I got a fruit fly infection when my airlock ran dry way late into my second-to-last batch and a couple fruit flies or similarly sized gnat like insects got into my fermenter. Either that or the previous...
  4. R

    Extra large bubbles in fermenter at end of fermentation cycle

    This is my 4th batch of BOMM over the past year or more. My third batch using a high OG. I have never seen bubbles like this in previous batches. This batch is 3 weeks in. Is it infected? I am including a link to an export of my Tilt log...
  5. R


    Heck yea I'm in!
  6. R

    Beer without hops?

    I take that back. I was only ~150 posts in. At post 164 someone actually posted a recipe!
  7. R

    Beer without hops?

    Oy... that is a hell of a thread. I got a couple hundred posts in and still no actual discussion containing recipes, tasting notes, or suggestions. Seems like a giant troll thread, lol. That said, I just boiled 1.5 gal of some pilsen light DME to a OG of 1.060 (about 1.25 gal post boil) ...
  8. R

    Beer without hops?

    I have searched and searched. I am certain I cannot be the first to have this question or to have given it a homebrew try, but for the life of me I cannot find any reference to, discussion of, nor style name for a fermented malt without an added bittering agent. I do not mean a gruit or...
  9. R

    Secure dry-hop tube cap

    I picked up a mesh tube for dry hopping a while back. I discovered the threads on the lid barely tighten on the tube before it jumps the threads and comes loose again. My concern was that once put into the fermentor and hung by the chain attached to the lid, the mesh tube would pop off the lid...
  10. R

    Case for storing long items

    I was looking for a long tote a while back, something with a lid, to store items like racking canes, long spoons, thermometers, hydrometers, etc. I was not able to locate what i was looking for, which was a tote about 36" long and about 4" to 8" wide and tall, or thereabouts. What I did find...
  11. R

    Can I make and split a yeast starter indefinitely?

    Honey is naturally resistant to infection and therefore does not need boiled/pasteurized. If using properly filtered water skipping the boiling process can leave more oxygen in the starter for better propogation. Add in a bit of GoFerm to add nutrients that honey does not contain (but malt...
  12. R

    Bray's One Month Mead

    So, this morning, after no additional actions nor yeast added, after 4.5 days, it finally had good activity/foam when degassing rather than just a handful of bubbles. And by this evening (5 days) the SG has started to drop (down 0.005). Just in case it was needed, I went ahead yesterday and...
  13. R

    Bray's One Month Mead

    Bray, I finished my first batch and as i mention above left the yeast cake and some cloudy mead in the carboy and added water, honey, and nutrients as if I was starting a new batch. Stirred it real good to oxygenate and get the cake all worked up. Still targeting the 1.130 SG ratios of honey...
  14. R

    Bray's One Month Mead

    The final gravity was stable for two weeks at 1.003 (from a starting gravity of about 1.136-1.134 with an estimated ABV of 17.2 to 17.4% before I began cold crashing. I don't think with that high of an ABV it will kick off fermentation in the bottles. It should remain still. I bottled...
  15. R

    Bray's One Month Mead

    So I was able to get it into a fridge to cold crash. I ended up with about a half inch of compacted white something (yeast?) on the very bottom, then about a two inch layer of cloudy fluff, then the rest above was clear yellow mead in the 5 gallon batch. After two weeks in the fridge the thick...
  16. R

    Bray's One Month Mead

    Quoting An older post in this thread, but if I don't have the capability to cold crash, how long should I expect it to take to clear on its own? An extra month after fermentation is complete? 5gal batch fyi.
  17. R

    Force carbing CO2 into Nitro kegs/growlers

    So a LOT of places are only offering beer to-go right now. Some beers are on nitro and some places will fill corny kegs or uKeg growlers. If one were to get a keg or growler filled with a beer that was packaged on nitro, the nitro will dissipate leaving flat beer. Can this just be...
  18. R

    Propogate bread yeast?

    Can you take the packets of dry fast rise bread yeast, add some go-ferm, some type of sugar, and water to make more? Put it in a Growler or Flask on a stir plate? With the stores all being out of yeast for baking, having the tools already to make a brewing starter seems like it might be helpful...
  19. R

    Bray's One Month Mead

    If you didn't use 1388 then it isn't a BOMM per this thread and therefore will likely need a year of aging to taste drinkable.