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  1. JJFlash

    10 Gallon whiskey barrel, to do after empty?

    I always keep my barrels filled. Beer goes out, new beer goes in. Early in my barrel career I tried keeping a few barrels around after they were empty. They were a big pain to try and reseal to make watertight when went to use again. Plenty of steaming hot water inside and out to try and swell...
  2. JJFlash

    When to change RO filter?

    This is excellent article I used many years ago on setting up and using RO system.
  3. JJFlash

    Dog Treats

    Been making dog treats for years without issue. Used all kinds of different grains over the years. Only item to avoid in hops - bad for dogs. I think mash hopping is still relatively rare.
  4. JJFlash

    Alpha amylase question

    My thanks to doug293cz and mac_1103 about these Limit Dextrinase posts. Somehow, I have missed their prior discussions of this fascinating topic. I am now obsessed with a deeper delve into the subject.
  5. JJFlash

    Buying by the sack?

    Cost me more to buy Weyermann from my LHBS than to purchase and pay shipping from mail order.
  6. JJFlash

    Alpha amylase question

    From your link: "A New Approach to Limit Dextrinase and its Role in Mashing*" " It was demonstrated that typical conversion temperatures of 63–65 °C and a mash pH of 5.4–5.5 favour the action of malt limit dextrinase. The temperature optimum for the limit dextrinase of a malt extract was...
  7. JJFlash

    Questions about using Roeselare Blend yeast from Wyeast

    Lambic hops have very low alpha acid content. IBU > 2 will often stop Lactobacillus from working. Sour beer does not need hop bitterness, flavor or aroma.
  8. JJFlash

    Oud Bruin Questions

    Should never have a "bad smell", but lactic acid smell 2-3 days if under prime condition. Lactobacillus requires temperature about 70-90 degrees for optimum performance. IBU > 2 is detrimental and will prevent lacto from souring. Lactobacillus as primary pitch will finish in 72 hours. pH...
  9. JJFlash

    Oud Bruin Questions

    I shoot for pH 3.2 - 3.5 You can add lacto at any point tho I prefer at the very start to get pH spot on first. Lambic hops first choice. No hops second choice. Mixed bugs I add to secondary. There are multiple ways to achieve desired flavor profile. Takes multiple experiments to see what flavor...
  10. JJFlash

    Questions about using Roeselare Blend yeast from Wyeast

    First choice lambic hops. Second choice no hops. Above minimal hop levels it will stunt the blend flavors.
  11. JJFlash

    Zinc usage - amount for healthy fermentation

    pH 4.0 is most common recommendation.
  12. JJFlash

    Zinc usage - amount for healthy fermentation

    That is exactly what Wyeast Nutrient does. At 2.2 grams per 5 gallons it adds 0.635 ppm zinc. The majority is in trub loss never making it to the fermenter where it is really needed. Direct application to fermenter allows more precise control.
  13. JJFlash

    Zinc usage - amount for healthy fermentation

    Williams Brewing $10.50
  14. JJFlash

    Calcium Chloride kettle addition?

    Bru'n Water Martin Brungard Water Knowledge Major Ions Affecting Brewing: Cations Calcium Magnesium Sodium Anions Chloride Sulfate Bicarbonate Ions Effects in Brewing: Affects Hardness or Alkalinity Calcium...
  15. JJFlash

    Calcium Chloride kettle addition?

    Remember this is recommendations of kettle salts additions for flavor enhancement discussion. Mash salts additions are undisputed. Sparge salts additions used instead in the kettle are not recommended. Martin Brungard in his Bru'n Water has this information: --------- Add Minerals to Sparging...
  16. JJFlash

    Calcium Chloride kettle addition?

    Looking for more information on calcium chloride additions to brew kettle. I have heard and read this enhances "palate fullness and rounds out a beer". Jennifer Talley in her Session Beers book mentions these additions. However, no one gives a suggested quantity or beer style guidelines. Only...
  17. JJFlash

    LoDo sparge pH issue

    Thanks for the replies. RO water routinely for many years. Kettle end of boil was fine at pH 5.18 Past few brews have been checking sparge water pH before and after NaMBS and Ascorbic Acid additions. Just surprised at big drop with such a weak acid addition in 7.25 gallons. As suggested low...
  18. JJFlash

    LoDo sparge pH issue

    Sparge water only.
  19. JJFlash

    LoDo sparge pH issue

    This year I decided to integrate full LoDo with ale production to see if I can decern a difference. With LoDo my sparge liquor now goes from pH 5.6 to pH 4.6 Today's brew 7.25 gallons sparge water Using Bru'n Water I added: Calcium Chloride 4.5 grams Calcium Sulfate 0.4 grams Phosphoric Acid...