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  1. B

    Fermentation Chamber question (no fridge extension box?)

    I know there are 100 posts on fermentation chambers already, but I have a very specific question. Is it possible to just buy a "cooling element", similar to how you can buy a "heating element" (ie acquarium heater, lightbulb, etc), and stick that in an insulated box? It seems like almost...
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    Another request for thermostat wiring & STC-1000 help!

    Ok well I managed to get the compressor running by joining the black and red wire, and leaving all the others disconnected. Now I'm looking at my STC-1000 and the voltage is something I've never seen before. I bought the 110VAC model, and it says 110VAC for the input power, however the...
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    Another request for thermostat wiring & STC-1000 help!

    I may very well be going about it the hard way.. But just to clarify because I'm not sure you understood what I was looking for. Basically my Danby minifridge thermostat is trash because its fluctuating everywhere between 35F to 60F and I have it set to the lowest/coldest setting. The...
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    Corny can't hold a 5 gal brew!?

    FYI what I ended up doing was bottling about 2 liters of beer that didnt fit in the keg. I used the sugar formula to figure out how much per bottle, but because of my clumsiness and slippery hands etc, I'm pretty sure I either put in too much or too little to each bottle. I am definitely...
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    Another request for thermostat wiring & STC-1000 help!

    I just ordered an STC-1000 because I was really unhappy with the temperature swings of my Danby Designer mini fridge. I'm trying to read up on how exactly to install the thing so that I'm ready to do it as soon as it arrives. It seems that theres 2 main ways to use the STC-1000: 1) wire...
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    Advantages to kegging?

    Agreed. Although I would have used some kind of foam thats not mold-friendly, because I'm paranoid like that.
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    Advantages to kegging?

    :off: Speaking of mixing beers, what about mixing them in the keg itself? I'm brewing 23 liters of beer by my kegs are 19 L so I'm planning on putting the 4ish liters of extra beer into a half-consumed keg. Anything wierd about that? I know the densities of the beers are different (after...
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    Advantages to kegging?

    Yeah but they're all you LOL :mug:
  9. B

    Kegerator with external CO2 tank on TOP of the fridge - How to secure it?

    Just for anyone finding this thread in the future, heres what I ended up doing: I ended up getting 12 feet of CO2 tube to replace the 4 feet that came with my kegerator kit. I'm going to put the CO2 tank on the floor beside the fridge, and build a safety box for it. The tube will go up the...
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    how to release pressure from my CO2 line?

    ok another dumb question from yours truly. I needed to remove my keg from the fridge and store it in the cellar for a while. Since its only about half carbonated, I decided to blast it with 30 PSI before taking it to the cellar. This might help the carbonation along, as well as ensuring the...
  11. B

    Carbonate beer in the beer lines?

    That makes lots of sense, thanks! Maybe next time I'll have the CO2 hooked up for force carbing for a few days before I even hook up the beer line.
  12. B

    Carbonate beer in the beer lines?

    Thanks guys. I'm actually not in any rush to carbonate. Its just the curiosity in me that wants to try some every 24 hours so I can get a feel for how quickly it carbonates. I'm now worried that something might be wrong. Its been 4-5 days now and I still detect no carbonation at all. I...
  13. B

    Carbonate beer in the beer lines?

    Another quick noob question from a keg noob: I'm force carbonating my very first keg of beer right now, at 12 PSI. For my own education, I'm pulling out a mouthful of beer every 24 hours to try to get a feel for how fast the beer carbonates. So far every single mouthful has been completely...
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    Corny can't hold a 5 gal brew!?

    Ok Ive been thinking about this since my original post, and today I just transferred my secondary to the keg. I bottled the leftover beer that did not fit in the keg, and as suspected I hate bottling! I needed 5 500ml bottles. This is the worst of both worlds. I opted for kegging over...
  15. B

    Best COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE fridge for conversion

    Hey there, I dont know if its too late or not, but I just bought a DAR044A4BSLDD and have been converting it into a kegerator. Seems like its going to work for what I need (2 cornies). Note my model number is not exactly the same as what you posted.. I'm not sure what the "SL" means but maybe...
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    How much pressure is in my keg? (noobie)

    Noobie kegger here. How do I know how much pressure is in my keg? For example suppose I force carbed by sending 30 PSI to the keg for 2 days. Now I want to turn the keg down to 10 PSI for serving. I'm told the proper way to do that is to disconnect the CO2, Hit the pressure release on the...
  17. B

    Kegerator with external CO2 tank on TOP of the fridge - How to secure it?

    So I'm building a kegerator and I've been forced to do something that I havn't seen anyone else do yet (and I've looked a lot). My CO2 tank does not fit inside my mini-fridge, at all. This is fine because I kind of wanted to have it external to the fridge anyway - the pros seemed to outweigh...
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    Kegerator Help - danby dar044a4bslddu

    Hey I just wanted to chime in, as I just bought the same fridge - dar044a4bsldd. I had a hell of a time with the plastic shelf crap on the door. I thought I could just dremel (cut) around the edge and pull the whole thing out, but no, the entire thing is glued to the door, so I had to to a...
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    Corny can't hold a 5 gal brew!?

    Wow I cant believe all the replies in the past hour. Thanks! I checked my liter markings on the side of the bucket using a measuring cup from the kitchen. Its pretty bang on. I must have done something wrong (or right?) because when I racked from primary to secondary, I got almost all of the...
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    Corny can't hold a 5 gal brew!?

    Hey Smokey, This sounds interesting, however I'm not sure I understand. The Festa Brew kit comes as 23 liters of liquid wort. I'm not sure how to turn that into 5.5 gallons (21 liters) without pouring 2 liters down the drain...