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  1. Hagen

    Help with first AG recipe!!

    I'd swap out the cascade for an english hop, and call it a sweet stout.
  2. Hagen

    Help with a recipe

    I second that. Get your fermentables from the lightest extract you can, and let specialty grains give you the color/flavor. You'll have a much better brew.
  3. Hagen

    For the love of Malt

    the chickens get it with the spent grain.
  4. Hagen

    Highland Thistle 80/-

    Some might look at the mash schedule and think it's overkill. Keep in mind that I designed this recipe to yeild an authentic product using a highly attenuative inexpensive dry yeast like US-05. A couple important notes on brewing this style: 1) To fully develop the melanoidens, take your...
  5. Hagen

    Live brewcast 12noon EDT: Scottish 80/-

    The feeling I got is that this is a hybrid style like a german altbier. That is, using an ale yeast at low fermentation temps and treating it like a lager. The youngest I've had mine is 2 months cold conditioned, so I couldn't speak definitively to the difference. My guess is that the...
  6. Hagen

    Live brewcast 12noon EDT: Scottish 80/-

    Thanks for hanging out with me today! I would have posted this up sooner, but after cleanup and dinner, it was spontaneous nap time. A couple folks expressed interest in the recipe, so here it is... A couple important notes on brewing this style: 1) To fully develop the melanoidens...
  7. Hagen

    Live brewcast 12noon EDT: Scottish 80/-

    We've been back up and running for almost a half hour, sparing now!
  8. Hagen

    Live brewcast 12noon EDT: Scottish 80/-

    Sorry about the blackout, I hate vista! I'll be back up in a minute!
  9. Hagen

    Live brewcast 12noon EDT: Scottish 80/-

    I'm going to be doing my 80/- today. This style features a slightly different process than typical brews, and you may find it interesting. If you've tried brewing scottish styles without success in developing the characteristic melanoidins, you might like to see my process. I'll be turning...
  10. Hagen

    Live brewcast now!

    yeah, we shut down before the boil was done and started cleaning up. Thanks to thos who came by, and we'll post up the date and time for when we con the kilts and do the partigyle session in character
  11. Hagen

    Live brewcast now!

    My buddy Ogre and I are doing a back to back brew, I'm about to cool my ESB, and Ogre just mashed in his imperial amber. C'mon in and hang out, have a drink and ask questions! We'll be going until almost midnight eastern. Livestream - Drunken Celtic Brewers
  12. Hagen

    Porter recipe: any good?

    Here's what I got in Beersmith... Beer Robust Porter Type: All Grain Date: 7/17/2009 Batch Size: 5.50 gal Brewer: Hagen Boil Size: 7.00 gal Asst Brewer: Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: My Equipment Taste Rating(out of 50): 35.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 85.00 Taste Notes...
  13. Hagen

    Trying to Troubleshoot a Lingering Bitter Aftertaste

    Is the bitter aftertaste dry and almost powdery feeling? Did you either boil the specialty grains or squeeze out the bag after steeping? Either one of those can lead to tannin extraction and the aftertaste you describe.
  14. Hagen

    Scotch ale recipe

    I personally don't like a smoked character in my wee heavies. That is simply a matter of personal taste. As said above, a smoky character is historically accurate from before the industrial revolution when peat was used for kilning. There was a resurgence of the use of peat during WWII. Daniels...
  15. Hagen

    Unmalted Wheat and a protein rest

    I had the understanding (and it could be wrong) that part of the purpose of a protien rest on unmalted and/undermodified grain was to break down the longer chain protiens into shorter dextrines that the amylase enzymes can more easily convert. Sorry for that huge run-on sentence.
  16. Hagen

    Unmalted Wheat and a protein rest

    With the grain bill that high in unmalted wheat, you needed that protien rest. Shoot for 122-125*F.
  17. Hagen

    Might be infected, what to do

    Usually, if it's contamination/infection, you'll know it as soon as you pull the stopper or lift the lid. I had my first one in fourteen years a couple weeks ago and it was unmistakeable. The smell of green apples and vinegar. It actually had little mother of vinegar colonies floating kinda like...
  18. Hagen

    Consistiency in brewing

    This is kegged in cornies. The other reason I'm going with this recipe is cost. It's my cheapest recipe. Since I'm donating the beer to the party, I'm using it as an excuse to test my process, hence repeating the same recipe.
  19. Hagen

    Consistiency in brewing

    Oh, I'm going to have a bunch of 2 liters in my personal cooler. I'm bringing the oatmeal stout, irish red, amber and ESB for personal cunsumption and sampling. The experiment is more for my interest. The party is just the excuse to do it. I think it'll help me fine tune my process a little.
  20. Hagen

    Consistiency in brewing

    For the past two weeks I have been doing an experiment regarding my brewing prowess. You see, my neighbor at the end of the block asked me to both roast a pig and brew beer for the upcoming Memorial Day party, a challenge I gleefully accepted. The pig, no problem. But the beer.... another...