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  1. D

    Belgian Ales!!

    I am still learning the complexities, but just for taste I have found Piraat, Gulden Draak, and Maredsous (triple) are excellent choices. Of course, I haven't found one that I didn't like yet. :) Everytime I go to the local import shop I have intentions of expanding my horizons but I always...
  2. D

    Questions on the secondary...

    Thanks for the advice.
  3. D

    Questions on the secondary...

    First Timer I brewed an IPA from a book recipe and have transferred it into the secondary...I only left it in the primary for 3 days after I saw it wasn't bubbling in the ferment lock...It seemed early to transfer. Anyway, I took another hydrometer reading when I transferred and the reading...
  4. D

    Blowout tube question...

    Beginner brewer with question about closed fermentation in a 5 gallon carboy. Once the wort is transfered into the carboy and I place the hose in the opening, how can I be sure that no air gets into the wort through the tube... I'm confused about this because my book says that after the...