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  1. K

    Outdoor burners?

    Do you have any idea of fuel usage difference between the two burners? I have often wondered if it would and how long it would take for the Blichmann to pay for itself in propane.
  2. K

    Diacetyl...where did it come from?

    Questions for the masses in followup... My understanding is a low temperature fermentation with good temperature control shouldn't produce much/any diacetyl? Is this incorrect? Is the diacetyl production more dependent on yeast cell count then temperature? Theoretically you should be able to...
  3. K

    Diablo III

    I played for about 3 hours last night. Very similar to D2...So much so I was wondering why it took so long...Beer and D3 though was great...If only my friends hadn't moved away or had kids so we could all LAN party again. :mug:
  4. K

    Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale Clone?

    While not a Pumpkinhead clone, this will get you close... I have brewed it a few times. :mug:
  5. K

    Grow your own Sour/Pie Cherries

    I have a sour cherry tree I planted two years ago. It was about 3 1/2' tall when I got it...Maybe 4' tall now. First year it yielded maybe 20 cherries, but I only got 2 because I didn't bother netting it. Last year it produced maybe about a cup of cherries after the pits were taken out. So...
  6. K

    Ever see a grown home-brewer cry?

    I had a just tapped keg of Imperial Pilsner in a keezer and the disconnect didn't set properly and I came downstairs to hear the hiss of CO2. Upon opening the keezer the entire keg (2 pints drawn off it) had emptied into the keezer. Once I realized it wasn't my "favorite beer" I felt a little...
  7. K

    Greetings From Vermont

    Welcome to the forum. :mug:
  8. K

    Boil Kettle Idea Question...

    The bottom of ours at work is rounded with only about a 6" circle of flat at the bottom so I would be concerned with the stability of it, especially with boiling liquid, unless you have an idea for a base to set it in. :mug:
  9. K

    presoaking oak cubes

    Are you trying to have it done by a specific time? Why not just go six weeks in secondary? When I have used oak in cider I just boiled them quickly in a little water (just enough to cover) let the whole thing cool and then threw liquid and wood into the carboy. 10 months later I bottled...
  10. K

    Calypso hops?

    I was thinking about brewing a Maris Otter & Calypso SMASH this weekend. stblindtiger - If you were brewing it again would you punch up the 20/10 hops to try for more flavor? 0.5 oz each on 20/10? Take 60 minute down to 05. oz and go 0.75 each on 20/10? Do you think the dry hop did...
  11. K

    Please help

    If you got it up to boiling for the appropriate amount of time it should be fine. I would recommend being careful with hops additions if you are still in the middle of the batch though as they can cause foam ups. My all grain batches done inside always get slowly raised to boiling because my...
  12. K

    Boil maple syrup first

    Fancy, A Medium, A Dark, B, C in order of most expensive to least. They are all made with 100% Maple Sap and nothing else if it is pure maple syrup. As previously posted the darker syrup (less expensive) usually comes later in the season. Depending on your use most people desire Fancy. I...
  13. K

    Boil maple syrup first

    I have added the syrup with 5 to go on the boil so I can't comment on the pasteurization from experience, but my thought would be if it is fresh syrup (this or last years crop) that hasn't been previously opened you are probably fine without boiling. If not, I would lightly boil the syrup (no...
  14. K

    Sierra Nevada 30th Fritz & Ken

    Yankee - I sent them an email this morning to congratulate them on 30 years and see if they would give me any direction. So hopefully I will hear something from that. Jourelemode - That would be great. Any information I can get would be great. I wish I had known about this beer earlier...
  15. K

    Sierra Nevada 30th Fritz & Ken

    Does anyone out there have any ideas on a starting point for a recipe of a stout similar to Sierra Nevada's 30th Anniversary Fritz & Ken Imperial Stout? I had a taste of it last night at a Sierra Nevada 30th party at a local bar and loved it, but unfortunately I haven't found any more in my...
  16. K

    Blueberry beer

    I was planning on letting them thaw by placing the bag in a bowl in the refrigerator, but forgot to take them out so I just dumped them in. Probably slowed the start of fermentation of the new sugars a bit but it ended up lower final gravity then when I rack it to secondary so I am assuming it...
  17. K

    Blueberry beer

    I just did a Blueberry Wheat and put a 4 lb bag of frozen blueberries in the 2ndary for 2 weeks. I did nothing to the blueberries just dumped them in the carboy from the bag. Color is kind of blueish red with nice blueberry taste. I have gotten a lot of comments that people like it so that...
  18. K

    Autumn Seasonal Beer Thunderstruck Pumpkin Ale (AG and Extract versions)

    I used roasted "fresh" pumpkin and did not use a grain bag. I ran the wort through a metal strainer before putting it in the carboy and I still had one massive pile of trub in the bottom of the carboy but everything seemed to go fine. :mug:
  19. K

    Argh! Can't find a pot that works!

    Oh, I missed that you were doing AG. I guess I assumed the MLT comment was for a partial. Probably wouldn't work well to top off then. Good luck with your search. :mug:
  20. K

    Argh! Can't find a pot that works!

    I used a 20 quart cheap stainless pot on an electric stove for a while and just did about a 3 gallon boil and topped the batch off with water that I had previously boiled. Similar to your problem I had a good boil with the cover on but it went down when the cover was removed but it still held a...