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  1. alegi

    Ferment with spunning Valve?

    Hello, I bought a spunning Valve so I could carbonate the beer while fermenting it but also be able to ferment under pressure. But what I do not get is when to actually activate it. Im brewing a belgian wit now with No pressure and the temp is 19C (Will rise to 22C later). When do I actually...
  2. alegi

    Dry hop in keg and also add gelatin?

    Hello! I was just wondering how to do it the correct way. When I do IPA I add dry hop in keg for 3-4 days then put it in the fridge for 24 hours, then open the keg and add gelatin. But if I do it that way, wont most of the aroma get away? From the dry hop that is. So what is the correct way...
  3. alegi

    Hefeweizen Done to fast?

    Hello, My german hefeweizen is at 4 days mark inte fermentation. And the OG reads 1.015. Started at 1.050. What I read was that people mostly let it ferment for at least 12-14 days. The fermenting temp has been 62F until 50% of fermenting was Done, Then raised to 68F. It seems like it soon...
  4. alegi

    Showing two different temperature?

    Hey! I use a brewjacket for fermentation and tilt hydrometer for reading OG/FG. Right now I have a lager fermenting in the brewjacket. It shows 10.6C but the tilt hydrometer shows 8.9C. I set the brewjacket for 9C and its working the temp down to it. That means there's a diff at 1.6C...
  5. alegi

    A problem with kegging, returning problem that is.

    Thanks for the replies. For the keg I use all the original parts except for the output part where I instead use a clear beer draught system. I believe it use silicon but its in the keg so there should not be any oxidation problem inside so to speak. As I Said the beer taste good again if I...
  6. alegi

    A problem with kegging, returning problem that is.

    Hello, My biggest problem with kegging is the serving in question. Almost every time I put a beer in keg and then served it once, the flavor drops/changes a lot. I will explain in more detail now. My latest batch, a double IPA. I transfer the beer into the keg. Following every advice...
  7. alegi

    The use of oak?

    Hi, thought to use the oak for an imperial stout for the first time, but I'm unsure of the whole procedure. Firstly, it's a small batch of 5 liters only. I have a few questions for you who are used to the use of oak and have achieved good results. 1. How much of the American medium toast...
  8. alegi

    American Pale Ale Cascades / Orange Pale Ale

    A damn good recipe. I made a batch about a month ago. The final bottle was today forever gone :tank: Here it is:
  9. alegi

    Need some help with my Double Red IPA

    Hey, tomorrow I will brew this DIPA that will be a little more red in color, so I call it a Double Red IPA. Here is the full recipe for a 5L batch and water details: Est Original Gravity: 1.080 SG Est Final Gravity: 1.015 SG Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 8.6 % Bitterness: 80.1 IBUs Est Color...
  10. alegi

    Imperial/Double Black IPA?

    Here is a picture of my black IPA I made.
  11. alegi

    Imperial/Double Black IPA? U were right, it was privated. :ban:
  12. alegi

    Imperial/Double Black IPA?

    Thanks for your answer. Here is the recipe: I hope it taste as good as mine did (if you brew it). Remember that I am a newbie and im not even sure if its correct (following the rules) but I did enjoy it.
  13. alegi

    Imperial/Double Black IPA?

    The black IPA I did? Or the new Imperial Black IPA? That one I haven't done yet.
  14. alegi

    Imperial/Double Black IPA?

    Im not sure this is the right place to post it, but I'll take the chance. My question is about Black IPA. I made Black IPA once, and it was good. This time I would like to go further and do an Imperial/Double black IPA. But if I want to compete with it, under what Style/definition is...
  15. alegi

    Imperial IPA, First time messing with water chemistry

    Hmm okey, anyhow! I have this input: Calcium: 130,6 Magnesium: 4 Sodium: 24,7 Sulfate: 79,7 Chloride: 99,9 Bicarbonate: 126,9 Total Hardness: 343 Alkalinity: 105 RA: 9 The total bill of the roasted grains: 6.3 %
  16. alegi

    Imperial IPA, First time messing with water chemistry

    Hello, I try to setup a water profile for an Imperial Black IPA. I made a black IPA once, which tasted awsome. But I don't have the water profile for it now since I lost it. This is my setup, which I don't know if its ok. The pH is suppost to be 5.5. Im not sure what to change...
  17. alegi

    Something wrong with my Milk stout!

    Well thank you all for helping me with this, I think I got the information right, Im starting to understand it better now. And I stopped with the 5,2 ph stablilizator, used acid to drop my pH and used less salts + controlled pH, I do believe it will taste better this time.
  18. alegi

    Something wrong with my Milk stout!

    Thanks again, :) I thought there was something you could do with water treatment to achieve higher sweetness in milk stout. Like I read this on a site: "Keep the Chloride to Sulfate ratio high, around 3 to 1. Ensure Chloride and Sodium are both above 100" this was for milk stout that...
  19. alegi

    Something wrong with my Milk stout!

    Thanks, I should wait until the fermentation is done. But next time I will try to do without the ph stabilizator. But what are the salts that are used in Stouts or in particular Milk stouts? Would u mind put up a good water profile, or change mine to something u think would work...
  20. alegi

    Something wrong with my Milk stout!

    Hello, I made a milk stout today and used water additions to improve it, but when I tasted the wort it was not as sweet as I thought it would be. This is my water report: Ca+2: 23 Mg+2: 4 Na+: 11 CI-: 13 SO4-2: 35 HCO3: 50 pH: 8.4 Alkalinity: 41 The treatment I used was: 1.5 gram CaCO3 1.5...