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  1. B

    Cheap & Easy 10 Gallon Rubbermaid MLT Conversion

    I put galvanized steel wire inside of mine wrapped kind of in a spiral like a notebook spiral. Have only had one stuck sparge but it fixed itself.
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    Apple Bee (Woodchuck Clone)

    I did the original recipe and it turned out sour. I may have messed it up but used the wheat yeast. I didn't enjoy it, but may have messed it up.
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    Apple Bee (Woodchuck Clone)

    I transferred this to my secondary and gravity was 1.008. Tasted super sour. Any suggestions to get sweeter?
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    Cheap & Easy 10 Gallon Rubbermaid MLT Conversion

    I put galvanized wire in mine after I wrapped it around a screwdriver to make it like a notebook spiral. Haven't used it yet but feels like it won't collapse.
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    Apple Bee (Woodchuck Clone)

    I'll give that a try since I have the safale 04 sitting around.
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    Apple Bee (Woodchuck Clone)

    Would it have too much of the hefe flavor if I used the same yeast?
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    Apple Bee (Woodchuck Clone)

    I made this last weekend and pitched yeast sat evening. No fermenting. I used a little brown sugar and used American hefe yeast. Any thoughts on what to do next to get it to ferment?
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    Cheap & Easy 10 Gallon Rubbermaid MLT Conversion

    I'm in the same boat as you trying to figure out which one is better. I'm leaning towards the home depot cooler. I will probably make one next month. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Home Brew mobile app
  9. B

    Cheap & Easy 10 Gallon Rubbermaid MLT Conversion

    I have been only looking at YouTube videos and most have the braid. Was thinking of going cheap at first since I'm used to extract kits. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Home Brew mobile app
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    Cheap & Easy 10 Gallon Rubbermaid MLT Conversion

    I've seen both the circular style cooler and the rectangle type as examples. Does either one work better than the other. Seems like the rectangle can have more line for filtering the wort by putting a tee fixture in it. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Home Brew mobile app
  11. B

    Aluminum vs stainless all grain

    I've used both. I prefer stainless and just ordered one from Northern brewer. I love it. So easy to clean. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Home Brew mobile app