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  1. CastleHollow

    Ss Brewtechs Biggest Baddest Holiday Giveaway Ever!

    Sign me up! And thank you for the competition
  2. CastleHollow

    HomebrewSupply Recipe Giveaway

    Saq's The Pious Thank you for the giveaway!
  3. CastleHollow

    Do people ever look at oz per gallon when it comes to hops?

    It's talked about when scaling a recipe, assuming you know the AA of the hops.
  4. CastleHollow

    Virginia Therminator

    And if neither of those work out, I'm interested (and you wouldn't have to ship it!)
  5. CastleHollow

    Harvested Two Hearted yeast finally took off

    I've been using a harvested Bell's strain as my house yeast for a few years and usually get close to 85% attenuation when mashing at 150 and fermenting in the mid/upper 60s. It's definitely great stuff!
  6. CastleHollow

    Final Gravity Reading

    How much higher than expected? You can compensate for the priming sugar, but even 5oz (in 5 gallons) won't change the reading that much, maybe .002.
  7. CastleHollow

    Critique request - IPA

    Those are some odd weights. I realize it's probably to force a particular SG/IBU, but I'm all about whole numbers in my brewing :-) What yeast are you using?
  8. CastleHollow

    Attenuation Quandry - Extract Brew

    How old is the slurry? Make sure you estimate initial cell size as accurately as you can. Do you have a stir plate? Pitch appropriately, aerate generously, and begin your fermentation as close to 65 as you can, then ramp up to 70 after a few days. I would also add the molasses after...
  9. CastleHollow


    It doesn't sound like a dumper to me. Invite non-brewing beer drinking friends over and tell them it was an experimental batch. Or, tell them you think you screwed up but ask their input. You might be surprised that it's more drinkable than you think. At least to other people who did not have...
  10. CastleHollow

    Homebrew Taste

    I read pdxal's comment as: It's a little combination of "sanitation, high temps, water, oxidizing, underpitching, etc." Not "a little bit of sanitation." As for your question, Singletrack, I think best practice is to follow thorough sanitation practices, particularly post boil. Why take the...
  11. CastleHollow

    How on earth can Budweiser say this...?

    Ironic. :) Back on topic: AB can do that because it is part of their registered trademark. I believe the language for their "creed" originated in the late 1800's, and they have incorporated it into their packaging ever since.
  12. CastleHollow

    Bottle conditioning corn sugar question

    You didn't royally mess it up, you just undercarb'd. This is a confusing point for many of those priming calculators, but they consider temperature to be fermentation temperature, or the highest temperature reached post-fermentation. Cold crashing forced some CO2 back into solution, but your...
  13. CastleHollow

    Bitter Taste, normal or possibly water?

    It may be your water, however if you encountered the same lingering bitterness in your extract batches, it may be other factors (since water chemistry plays a bigger role in the mash/sparge process.) You could be detecting astringency so tell us a bit about your yeast management/fermentation...
  14. CastleHollow

    Help me troubleshoot my stir plate

    The capacitor is also reading ~5V (analog multimeter.) The regulator is an LM317T. Fortunately, I do have a few Radio Shacks in my area, so I think what I will do is replace both the regulator and that 510 ohm resistor. I might even take the entire device up to the store to see if they have...
  15. CastleHollow

    Help me troubleshoot my stir plate

    Very helpful, thank you. I have 110v going into the transformer, and 5V coming out. There's no juice at the motor or potentiometer, so it seems like a board issue. All of the resistors show current, except for the striped beige one and the one perpendicular to it. Are those replaceable...
  16. CastleHollow

    Help me troubleshoot my stir plate

    I've had this for a couple years, this weekend it quit spinning. Power light comes on, nobody's home. I am not that electronically inclined, so I'm not sure where to start diagnosing a fix: motor, fuses, circuitry, etc. Here are some pix of the guts: Is it worth fixing? Can it be...
  17. CastleHollow

    High attenuation with WLP001?

    ^78% was what he expected, but his FG was 1.004. OP, was this a PM or AG? What was your mash temp? I assume you're measuring with the same hydrometer?
  18. CastleHollow

    Fruit Flies... Oh MY!

    Putin's so manly, even the fruit flies are badass. Vinegar traps are the way to go to kill them. Might want to do one more check around the basement for any old fruits, potatoes, and maybe even canned goods like preserves to help you find the source.
  19. CastleHollow

    SS Brewing Technologies "That's a ton of Stuff!" Giveaway

    Randomize me! Thanks for the contest