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  1. T

    Struggling newbie! Help!

    Yep what you said is how i did it. Seems so simple! How could someone stuff that up.... I can!! So i bottled when the SG was 1.014A And fermentation was between 2-3 weeks. The beer was quite cloudy, the instructions do say to add the dry hops once the SG is 1.025 or lower. Is this how it is...
  2. T

    Struggling newbie! Help!

    Thanks for the link. I think (hope) you have hit the nail on the head with your first comment, im using extract - probably the most basic starter kit and yes using tap water. Apparently our water is quite "hard" and has lime in it??? so i have got some natural spring water for my next brew. I...
  3. T

    Struggling newbie! Help!

    The latest conclusion I am at is that its my towns water, chlorine and lime?? so have got some natural spring water for my next attempt
  4. T

    Struggling newbie! Help!

    Fermenting for nearly 2 weeks and yes using a hydrometer. have been following the instructions religiously so bottled when it was 0.014sg Once bottled they are stored in the garage in a box, out of sunlight and cool, approx 10-15deg Celsius. Using 2 drops per 750ml bottle, again just following...
  5. T

    Struggling newbie! Help!

    Ok so im just getting starting with basic home brewing. I bought a Mangroves Jacks craft beer kit. First brew was a golden larger and turned out terrible. Insanely fizzy where it would just turn completely to foam and taste metallic?? I figured i had bottled it too early so it was still...