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  1. D

    Carboy/ Keg Cleaner Giveaway

    i want one
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    Yet another bottles not carbing thread...belgian quad

    looks like your caps coulda leaked. if your capper worked perfect on some then you may have got some bad cap(lazy quality control). if thats the case youre guna need to add a bit o sugar to carb the champagne yeastwont have nutin to eat
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    Should I use this kit?

    if its sealed go for it if not toss
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    My bigger bottle have little carbonation. Why?

    i think the bigger bottles take a bit longer to carb fully due to more fluid. give them a bit more time if they dont carb give a touch more sugar to carb.
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    Beer Labelizer - Label Generator

    lol send it on fedex
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    I have a sickness - aka how much is too much?

    jeez you are sick my diagnosis... youre brewing TOO LITTLE:P
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    Idopheor taste???

    let it age out a bit it should go away
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    Done fermenting, or should I wait (o.g=1.077)?

    even if it stays steady...or if you dont have a hydrometer you can wait it may even result in a better product. you should go by the hydrometer readings though.
  9. D

    Corny keg ?

    p.s. i searched for you... the other threads about the same topic basically agree with me except for one thing... one is typically taller and skinnier then the other by a very small amount...may be a factor if you have your fridge or freezer already chosen
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    My Homebrewpub (WIP)

    as we hear the beer gods sing... that is absolutely beautiful.
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    Corny keg ?

    mostly depends on what you can get. if you have a pepsi plant that you can get them free or cheap from go ball lock and same deal coke to pin. never heard of any other real reasons to go either way...also prices depending on where you are may vary
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    True Brew Bucket Failure

    round of applause for the great save...we gotta design a medal for beer loss prevention n give it to u
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    Looking at building a Keezer..

    use a temp controller either way...otherwise it looks like it has potential
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    Dry "hopping" with fresh roasted pumpkin

    never done it nor heard of it done but its been done many times wit other fruit wit good results so ya it could be done sounds like itd be good tho
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    How to decipher recipes indicating AAUs?

    a thorough recipe would show when during the boil to add each and how much. if it doesnt then you may have to wing it but the general layout i see most for a 60 min boil is 15 minute intervals and at 5 mins left usually evened out. if you post what type you are making someone may be able to tell...
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    Grocery Store Sanitizer in a Pinch??

    +1 to bleach with mad rinse
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    New to brewing....using coopers kit

    +1 to maxamuuses answers
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    so I found some wild hops, now what . . .

    if you get a lot and/or the plant regrows hops naturally have fun wit trial and error...just be sure theyre hops and not sumtin else:P
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    1 out of 2 is flat !

    get a more even board and to avoid problems with that one use a level to make sure everything sits even
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    1 out of 2 is flat !

    are all the bottles from the same place? i know they look the same height but im wondering if theres a possibility of the smallest differences that may be giving you problems...also check the bottle tops that were flat and compare to those that carbed. are the caps all the same type? just some...