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  1. P

    Just joined

    Now I'm concerned the hops I add today and next week won't dissolve properly, any advice on how to ensure it does fully dissolve? Or perhaps tilt the fermenter with an inch block under one side before pouring...
  2. P

    Just joined

    So it was a clear flow until the end when it was pulling up trub?
  3. P

    Just joined

    Not sure if the hops will fit through that little whole. Will have a look, otherwise I was going to just lift a bit of the lid up and pour the hops in as fast and calm as possible. Thanks
  4. P

    Just joined

    Thanks John, makes sense
  5. P

    Just joined

    Thanks, yeah I am using dry hops and was surprised that I need to add in more hops in day three of the fermentation (tomorrow) and day 10. Why would the first few ounces be cloudy though?
  6. P

    Just joined

  7. P

    Just joined

    Hey Homebrewtalk people, First-time homebrewer as of today. I'm from Cornwall in the UK but now live in Bavaria, near Munich. I brewed a New England IPA earlier and it's now sitting in the fermenter bucket. I made quite a few mistakes and that's how I found this community through googling...